What is a 10/40 Window Thug? The "10/40 Window" is a term coined by Christian missionary "strategist" Luis Bush in 1990. It refers to those regions of the eastern hemisphere located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator that encompass most of North Africa and Asia that are typically populated by Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim peoples. The area generally, as of 1990, was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges (mostly poverty) and the least amount of access to the Christian message of make-believe and indoctrination. This region of the world was previously known to Christians as the "resistant belt," as noted by Luis Bush at the 1989 Lausanne II Conference in Manila. Christian "researchers" analyzed the region using a box between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude and called it the 10/40 Box. A few weeks later, Luis' wife Doris recommended renaming it the 10/40 Window, stating that this region ought to be seen as a "window of opportunity" to "reach" (proselytize) the "unevangelized" poorest of the poor. Christians typically prey upon poor people to gain a foothold in other countries and cultures that traditionally conduct their societies under a different belief system. In the case of the 10/40 Window campaign Christians were able to focus their resources and attention on the conversion of people in desperate regions of the world who are too distracted with merely surviving to put up much resistance to philosophical manipulation and intrusion. http://www.rogerwendell.com