Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM

First licensed in 1970, Amateur Extra class license since 1982...
(I also hold a General Radio Telephone License)

Morse Code Memories

Notes and thoughts from Morse Telegraphers!
Morse Code Hand Keys
My Elecraft K1 with a J38 military key
and the Morse Express Chirstmas key
Got an interesting telegraph tale? Let me know and I'll post it here!
(Click Here for my contact info)



Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my regular Guestbook page...
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my tribute to Morse telegraphy
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for the International Morse code alphabet and phonetics
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for "Q" and "Z" signals
Hand Key   Click on this hand key to hear real Morse code! (227k .wav file)


April 29, 2019




April 04, 2016




February 09, 2014




May 25, 2013




February 04, 2013




December 31, 2012



October 07, 2010



October 22, 2009




December 23, 2008



January 19, 2008



September 01, 2004




Braggin' Rights:

Who holds the Coast Guard's record for receiving Morse code?  - ME!
Coast Guard 40 wpm certificate.
Armed Forces Day 25 wpm certificate.
ARRL 20 wpm certificate.

Ex - WN6CDA, at age 14, 1970
Ex - KH6JDO, Wahiawa, Oahu 1976
Amateur Extra Class license since June 1982
General Radiotelephone license since August 1990
Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit since 1995

Roger J. Wendell,  WN6CDA, Aracadia, Californa - circa 1971
WN6CDA circa 1971
(I learned the code at age 14
by memorizing it out of a dictionary!)
WB0JNR sporting an ORARI T-shirt by YC2UDF - 08-15-2012
WBØJNR circa 2012
40 years later wearing an
ORARI (Indonesia) radio club shirt!
Hand Key  Click on this hand key to hear real Morse code! (227k .wav file)

Coast Guard Speed Key Certificate Front
Coast Guard Speed Key Certificate Back





  1. Antennas!
  2. ARRL - American Radio Relay League
  3. Club stations
  4. Coast Guard Club and Amateur Radio Net
  5. Coast Guard Radioman
  6. Extra Class License
  7. Hand Keys on display by OZ2CPU
  8. FISTS The International Morse Preservation Society
  9. K9DE Learning and Using Morse Code
  10. Maritime Radio
  11. Memberships and Wallpaper
  12. Memorizing Morse code by Wolf at 1728 Software Systems
  13. Morse code alphabet and phonetics
  14. Morse code by visible light! (Aldis lamp and Heliograph)
  1. Morse code - a Tribute to Morse Telegraphy!
  2. Morse code music by Phil Tulga - it's great fun!!
  3. Morse Telegraph Club
  4. MRX Morse Code for Windows Software by an ex Royal Navy Wireless Telegraphist!
  5. N9BOR Loves Morse code!
  6. NNØTT A Quick Refresher Course on CW Operating Procedures
  7. Q and Z signals
  8. QRP and Amateur Radio
  9. QRPp Award
  10. Spark Gap info by John S. Belrose
  11. Spark Gap Recording from 1921 by VK7RO
  12. Theodore Roosevelt McElroy - World's Champion Radio Telegrapher
  13. W1AW Code Practice Transmissions
  14. ZUT Coast Guard CW Operators Association

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