Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM



Art Brushes "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
- Pablo Picasso



Amber L.A. Wendell calendar, age 6 - 1989
My daughter drew this at age 6 for
the cover of her school's calendar.
"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect
confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."
- Robert Hughes




Cards by Kelly!

My sister, Kelly, sells a variety of her art through a
small shop in Wilkeson, Washington. Please contact me,
through my address at the bottom of this page, if
you're interested in more of Kelly's work!


Click on any of this page's "thumbnail" images for a larger view!


Card 002 by Kelly Spacer Card 001 by Kelly Spacer Card 003 by Kelly Spacer Card 004 by Kelly

Kelly Janneck First Half Kelly Janneck Second Half
Kelly also created this piece after first making her own
ink! Unfortunately my scanner isn't large enough to present it in
its entirity so I've posted it in halves here. Kelly described the
ink making process as the use of an "ink stick" that is made from
soot. She explains that the soot can come from what is left over
from burnt pine and also what's left over from an oil lamp. The
Chinese call the soot from an oil lamp "lamp black."




Art by 13

Art by 13 - Krista Williams and Roger J. Wendell - 07-20-2018 My friend Krista Williams, "Art by 13," had this
wonderful showing at Denver's Bit Factory in 2018.
Note: Six year later, in 2024, Krista became my stepdaughter!!




Environmental and Airport Art:

The Toxic Garden by Janet Culbertson
The Toxic Garden
by Janet Culbertson
(Also on my No Nukes page)
Airport Art
"Red Hail Speaks"
by Mateo Romero
This is a small piece of a very large mural-like painting I discovered at Denver's International Airport on April 28, 2005. The plaque adjacent to it read: "Indigenous resistance to invasion and dominance is represented here. Denver played a key role in the expansionist thrust in the 19th century, colliding with Native cultures throughout the plains and mountains. Rifles and eagle feathers are metaphors for the traditional spiritual role of the warrior society. The Lakota script tells of Sitting Bull's death. The prone figure in flat Native ledger style and the red hail symbolize the violence of the human condition." [The prone figure, mentioned on the plaque, was out of my carmera's view]




Artists at Work:

Since I have no artistict talent, myself, I'm always fascinated when
I encounter artists engaged in their craft. I try to obtain their
permission, for such photos, without disrupting their work (too much!)...


Artist along Japan's Philosopher's Walk During the summer of 2005 my family and I traveled throughout most of Japan, discovering many artists along the "Philosopher's Walk." Artist Painting Boulder's Flatirons In July, 2005 I was driving along Cherryvale Road, in east Boulder, when I discovered this lady painting the perfect setting!


En plein air

Ted Garcia and his one year art project at Morrison, Colorado - 02-15-2009 I regularly make my way through the small hamlet of Morrison, Colorado (It's about 5.5 miles/9 kilometres from my house or about 16 miles/26 kilometres southwest of downtown Denver) on my way to a small hike that I conduct for exercise each week. This particular winter afternoon, a Sunday, was very bright and clear - probably perfect weather for both photographer and painter!

Anyway, entering town from the east I spotted artist Ted Garcia just beneath the large "bouldering" wall that greets visitors arriving via Colorado Highway 74 (Morrison Road). Ted took time to explain that he was painting one picture per day (regardless weather!) for an entire year! An interesting project I'm sure you can learn more about on his web page at: www.tedgarcia.com.

YouTube Logo Click Here for my YouTube video of Ted Garcia in action for his 365 day painting project!




More plein air!

TCarol Jenkins - February 2016 In February, 2016 I ran into Carol Jenkins and her art. But, unfortunately, I can't recall which
mountain town this was at but am sure it was somewhere along the "Front Range" near Denver...





  1. Audio
  2. Books
  3. Colors in HTML - 16 million of 'em!
  4. Deleted Images - the Junkyard of Art
  5. Drawing a woman
  6. Jackson Pollock - draw on his main page!
  7. Movies
  1. Music
  2. Pix
  3. Photography
  4. Poetry
  5. PSSI Puget Sound Sumi Artists
  6. Videos
  7. Writing




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