Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM
I believe we have the capacity to develop a sense of community
that respects and enriches everybody. The growing disparity in the distribution of wealth,
environmental degradation, and needless human suffering are some of the problems that can be reversed within our lifetime. Carl Sagan suggested, in Cosmos, that we have the capacity
to provide "...an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of the planet." I believe him but also
know that we have a responsibility in persuading our government to act
in a reasonable manner as well. Also, our own huge
population explosion, itself, darkens the future and is a problem that must be addressed if we hope to maintain freedom, Democracy, and basic human dignity.
- Roger J. Wendell
May 6, 2004 - Golden, Colorado
"...having fewer people would not solve all problems, but it would mitigate and make more solvable almost all problems."
- Edward C. Hartman, The Population Fix (Breaking America's Addiction to Population Growth), p. 40
Throughout my web pages I do a whole lot of complaining. Nevertheless, I do have a number of ideas, or solutions, to combat the various problems I've identified on my site. In addition to all of my public volunteerism, in an effort to solve these problems, I am also offering this list of solutions:
- Start addressing (controlling) our population problem now! Do this by controlling our borders and limiting family size. The family size can be addressed, instantly and painlessly, by immediately dropping all tax incentives for having children. Immigrants remain responsible for 80% of our country's population growth - it's obvious what needs to be done!
- Fight Marxism at every turn. Human death and the environmental destruction are all that Marxism has ever brought us - it must be stopped!
- Tax gasoline and diesel fuels at an even higher rate - not only would this discourage our wasteful transportation habits but it would help clean the air and fill government coffers all in one fell swoop!
- Treat Arab peoples better, much better. This would help reduce terrorism substantially while improving our image around the world in general. Placing restraints on Israel, and its treatment of Palestinians, would go a long way toward this end, too.
- Provide a quality education for every single American kid who wants it - it's time to give parents a choice in where and how to educate their children! Overpaid (and underworked) college professors, school administrators, and teachers' unions have decimated our educational system.
- Provide some kind of universal health care to protect all Americans from catastrophic injury and illness [Not the ObamaCare free-for-all or sluggish systems found in Europe, Australia, and other places - but some kind of basic policy that covers catastrophic health events in
one's life - Not "Medicare for All" some other costly system that would be abused by freeloaders.
- Get rid of Daylight Savings Time (Okay, not a very important issue but it's always bugged the heck out of me - I lived in Hawaii, for a few years, and we never jumped our clocks forward or let them fall backwards and we seemed to have survived it all just fine!).
- Keep government out of religion. Government has no business in restricting religious practices, discouraging relgion, or promoting any particular religion. And I'm an atheist!!
- Label all genetically modified (GMO) food - let the buyer know!
Note: After the 2008/2009 economic meltdown my family and I took a financial beating like everybody else. However, the problem seemed so complex that even I didn't have a good answer how to solve it!
Nevertheless, I suspect tighter government oversight on monopolies would be a good place to start. On my Capitalism page I talk about government control of markets by
stopping mergers that reduce competition. Other ideas include just some common sense policing of our financial markets - up until the time Obama came into office (and even during much of his administration
when Wall Street criminals remained a protected class...) it seemed like our financial system was an unregulated free-for-all - we can certainly do better!
- Roger J. Wendell
March 2009 - Golden, Colorado
[small healthcare notes added in early 2015]
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