Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM



Boulder/Denver Community Radio
Roger at KGNU


Welcome to my main KGNU page!


My Experience at KGNU

KGNU Denver Studio Although KGNU has its own website I thought it interesting to feature them here as well. I became associated with the station as a music programmer in 1995. Since then I was fortunate to conduct not only a great many music programs, but a variety of interviews for various news and public affairs programming from 1996 through 2022. Those included programs like Friday morning Connections, Metro, Metro Arts, A Public Affair, the Thursday Evening Call-in Show, Hemishperes, Live from Penny Lane, How on Earth science show, It's The Economy, and others.
The volunteers, staff, and guests at KGNU have been instrumental in bringing a varity of diverse music and interesting topics to the public airwaves. I am grateful that the station allowed me, on air, to pursue my passion for science, population issues, Deep Ecology, and other topics of interest to me (and my listeners!). However, on a cautionary note, KGNU (like all other broadcast outlets) must resist the urge to censor or inject bias (or ommission) into its news and interviews - regardless pressure from listeners and donors. The concept of a "community" radio station, where all can contribute, is a grand idea that is a wonderful alternative to what's normally available through commercial and public radio. Let's all work to keep bias and censorship out of radio - including KGNU...


KGNU Live on the Internet
(Click on this meter to hear KGNU live)

Arrow Pointing Right KGNU's Audio archives

88.5 FM Boulder   Listener Call-in line: 303-442-4242
1390 AM Denver   Outside Calling Area: 800-737-3030
93.7 FM Nederland   Studio Line: 303-449-4885
98.7 FM Fort Collins   Comment Line: 303-447-9911
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my KGNU overflow page!



(Click on any of this page's "thumbnail" images for a larger view...)


Open House

KGNU celebrated the opening of its
Denver Studio, located at 700 Kalamath
Street, on August 29, 2006:

Mary Romano-Ocken at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Mary Romano-Ocken
Davide Andrea and Roger Wendell at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Davide Andrea and me!
Dragon Bus at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Dragon Bus
Joanne Coal and Sam Fuqua at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Joanne Cole & Sam Fuqua
Sam Fuqua with Daniel Costello and Joanne Cole at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Sam Fuqua with Daniel & Joanne
Roger Wendell and Marty Durlin at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Station Manager Marty Durlin
Roger Wendell and Yukari Miyamae at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Yukari Miyamae
Sam Fuqua at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Sam Fuqua
Mary Romano-Ocken, Roger Wendell, and Janaki Lefis at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Mary Romano & Janaki Lefis
Daniel Costellos and Joanne Cole at KGNU's Denver Open House on 08-29-2006
Daniel Costello & Joanne Cole


Not Milk!

As Joanne Cole, KGNU's Community Relations Director
said, "Who would have thought MILK??!!" Yep, that hour
interview with Robert Cohen, author of Not Milk, brought
out a lot of passion! Either way, I learned a lot and want
to thank Eva for taking these pix and handling the wild
telephones that day!
Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006 Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006 Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006 Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006 Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006 Roger J. Wendell Conducting Friday Morning Connections - 01-27-2006




Over the years some of my guests were:

Roger J. Wendell and Dennis Kucinich during his presidential bid, KGNU - 04-09-2004
Me and Dennis Kucinich
It was no easy task trying to remember and note all of the interviews
I've conducted but this list contains many of 'em!

(Click Here to access KGNU's audio archives where many of my
shows, and those of others, can be listened to or downloaded...)






















































13 Year Old Amber at KGNU 13-Year-old Amber tried her hand at broadcasting in KGNU's old Folsom Street studio (1995)






KGNU Membership Form - 03-13-2008 Roger Wendell is
listener endorsed!













Parabolic Reflector

Roger and KGNU's Dish Antenna 1995 Me and KGNU's satellite dish antenna in 1995 at the old Folsom Street studios...
















Comments from some of my guests:


Comments from some of my listeners:




Front Door

Kelly and Roger at KGNU 2005 Kelly visited me at KGNU's new digs in 2005...


On February 4th, 2005, I had the pleasure of speaking with Joel Edelstein about the beginnings of KGNU's Friday morning Connections program. Joel founded the program, as the show's only producer, when the US decided to invade Iraq during the first Gulf war. January 18, 1991 was the program's first airing. It was called War Talk.

War Talk offered a review of developments in the war that week and provided a forum for discussion. In that time of war fever, it was a place where members of the community who opposed the war could gain support from the knowledge that they were not alone. As a community forum in a time of war, Joel decided there would be no guests other than callers. As this was another difficult period in the history of American foreign policy, the telephone lines remained full throughout every broadcast! After the hostilities had ceased, at the end of March, the program's name was changed to Peace Talk.

After one year, Joel invited other producers to join him to create a new show. Connections first aired on February 21, 1992. Its mission: "Connecting People, Issues, and Ideas." Over the years there's been a small but stable "collective" of volunteers who produce the program each Friday morning. Generally we also rotate telephone duties between ourselves but have also been lucky to have regular assistance from folks like Eva Mesmer and others who have "pitched-in" when needed.

At the time of this entry, in 2005, our collective consisted of Joel Edelstein, Duncan Campbell, Tonja Loendorf, Kathy Partridge, Bob Gailer, Liz Lane and me. Sadly, early volunteer Paul Klite passed away in June, 2000 and is fondly remembered by our entire KGNU family. Connections has been around a long time and remains a vital and important feature on KGNU - I hope you'll tune in and join us this Friday morning!


Audio Listen Icon Click Here for the Connections theme from the year 2002
(Our voices in order of appearance; Duncan Campbell, Liz Lane, Joel Edelstein, Roger J. Wendell, and Tonja Loendorf)




Audio Listen Icon Audio from some of my past shows, news broadcasts, promos, and listerner comments:
(Note: I also have a lot of my interviews available for streaming off my Population page!)

Roger Wendell in the KGNU Program Guide - Fall 1999
Fall 1999 Program Guide (you can click on it for a larger view)




Other Radio Stations
(I used to travel, a lot, and would occassionally stop by other stations)

KBUT Community Radio - Crested Butte, Colorado - 07-08-2000
KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado
KBUT Community Radio - Crested Butte, Colorado - 07-08-2000
KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado
KBUT Community Radio - Crested Butte, Colorado - 07-08-2000
KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado
Roger J. Wendell visiting KBUT Community Radio - Carbondale, Colorado - April, 2002
KDNK Carbondale, Colorado
Roger J. Wendell visiting KBUT Community Radio - Carbondale, Colorado - April, 2002
KDNK Carbondale, Colorado
Roger J. Wendell visiting Colorado Public Radio's Grand Junction studio on 414 Main Street - 12-22-2010
Colorado Public Radio - Grand Junction


KAFM Radio by Roger J. Wendell - joined them on the day of this photo, 07-01-2010
KAFM Grand Junction, Colorado
At one time I spent a lot of time on Colorado's western slope and decided to join KAFM since I listened so much while in the area. They were running only 16 Watts at the time! Community Radio, Domeyko, Chile by Kelly - July 2008
XQA-281 Domeyko, Chile
Community Radio, Domeyko, Chile by Kelly - July 2008
Chilean community radio
Radio comunitaria
Although I've been to Chile I didn't take these photos of XQA-281 - my sister did while she was staying in Domeyko during the summer of 2008...
Colorado Public Radio's Grand Junction studio on 414 Main Street - 12-22-2010
Colorado Public Radio - Grand Junction
KKMP Bumper Sticker
KKMP - Garapan Village, Saipan
(Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)

In June, 2015, I had the pleasure of not only being interviewed by KKMP (Manager Gary Sword) but cutting a commercial for them as well! I was part of the Kaul/Mitchler attempt at a first ascent up Agrigan Island and, therefore, one of the six team members interviewed live at the station. After the interview they asked if I'd record and interview and I agreed! It was a "cash-for-college" promotion that was aired twelve times for over a week! My friends and I, and many residents (of course!) heard the commercial at various times throughout our travels around Saipan and on neighboring Tinian. It was great fun at a great station!
Audio Listen Icon Click Here to hear my commercial!
Roger J. Wendell at the KKMP air studio 06-06-2015


Audio Listen Icon Click Here to hear a commercial I helped the CMC's Youth Programs with!





I don't necessarily endorse any or all of these links. However, I list 'em here for a variety of reasons; as alternative sources, exposure
to differing opinions, entertainment, new information, or (most importantly) Sun Tzu's reminder that you should know your enemy...

  1. 4th Estate
  2. Acupuncture show!
  3. Alan Watts radio series
  4. Audacity Free, open source software for recording and editing sounds
  5. Audio Archives at RogerWendell.com
  6. BBC
  7. Boulder
  8. CBA - Colorado Broadcasters Association
  9. Center for Media and Democracy
  10. CNN
  11. Committee to Protect Journalists
  12. Common Dreams
  13. Democracy Now
  14. FAIR Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
  15. FSRN - Free Speech Radio News
  16. KAFM - Grand Junction Community Radio
  17. KDNK - Carbondale Community Radio
  1. KGNU Program Guide - Fall '99
  2. KGNU Two - my overflow page!
  3. Mother Jones
  4. Movies
  5. Music
  6. Nation, The
  7. Noise Pollution
  8. NPR - "Comfortable News for Comfortable People"
  9. Peak & Prairie - Sierra Club KGNU Feb/Mar 2001 (67k)
  10. Politics
  11. Progressive, The
  12. PRX - Public Radio Exchange
  13. Radio-Locator
  14. RTIR - Radio-TV Interview Report
  15. This is not a drill radio - Judy Lubow
  16. Truth Out
  17. TUC Radio




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