Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM
Boulder/Denver Community Radio
Welcome to my main KGNU page!
My Experience at KGNU
Although KGNU has its own website I thought it interesting to feature them here as well. I became associated with the station as a music programmer in 1995.
Since then I was fortunate to conduct not only a great many music programs, but a variety of interviews for various news and public
affairs programming from 1996 through 2022. Those included programs like Friday morning Connections, Metro, Metro Arts, A Public Affair, the Thursday Evening Call-in Show, Hemishperes, Live from Penny Lane, How on Earth science show, It's The Economy, and others.
The volunteers, staff, and guests at KGNU have been instrumental in bringing a varity of diverse music and interesting topics to the public airwaves. I am grateful
that the station allowed me, on air, to pursue my passion for science, population issues, Deep
Ecology, and other topics of interest to me (and my listeners!). However, on a cautionary note, KGNU (like all other broadcast outlets) must
resist the urge to censor or inject bias (or ommission) into its news and interviews - regardless pressure from listeners and donors. The concept of a "community" radio station, where all
can contribute, is a grand idea that is a wonderful alternative to what's normally available through commercial and public radio. Let's all work to keep bias and censorship out of radio - including KGNU...

(Click on this meter to hear KGNU live)
KGNU's Audio archives
Listener Call-in line:
Outside Calling Area:
Studio Line:
Fort Collins
Comment Line:
Click Here for my KGNU overflow page!
(Click on any of this page's "thumbnail" images for a larger view...)
Open House
KGNU celebrated the opening of its
Denver Studio, located at 700 Kalamath
Street, on August 29, 2006:
Not Milk!
As Joanne Cole, KGNU's Community Relations Director
said, "Who would have thought MILK??!!" Yep, that hour
interview with Robert Cohen, author of Not Milk, brought
out a lot of passion! Either way, I learned a lot and want
to thank Eva for taking these pix and handling the wild
telephones that day!
Over the years some of my guests were:

Me and Dennis Kucinich
It was no easy task trying to remember and note all of the interviews
I've conducted but this list contains many of 'em!
(Click Here to access KGNU's audio archives where many of my
shows, and those of others, can be listened to or downloaded...)
- 05/03/2024 Open Mic with Joel Edelstein, Kathy Partridge, and Duncan Campbell. I was invited to participate in this show where we talked, at length, about the Israel-Hamas war and student protests. We took a number of calls from listeners, as well. [Connections]
- 06/03/2022 Jori Lewis on her book, Slaves for Peanuts (A Story of Conquest, Liberation, and a Crop That Changed History) [Connections]
- 04/29/22 Olga Ovchinnikova and Dia Sissenov of Canada and Kazakhstan, respectively, on how Russian speakers view the invasion of Ukraine [Connections]
- 03/25/22 Andy Lenec, a volunteer with Ukrainian of Colorado, and Oksana xxxxa (at an undisclosed location in Ukraine) on Russian invasion of Ukraine [Connections]
- 02/18/22 Andrij V. Dobriansky, Director of Communications and Media for the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America - on Russian aggression against Ukraine [Connections]
- 12/31/21 Michael Squires, ProPublica’s Southwest editor, on 2021 in Review (also open lines for content related to the 12/30/2021 Boulder County fires) [Connections]
- 11/19/21 Henny Lashley of Once Chance to Group Up and Pete Bialick of the Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution (GASP) on kids and marijuana and secondhand marijuana smoke, respectively [Connections]
- 10/22/21 Professor Michael Lenox on his latest book (written with Rebecca Duff), The Decarbonization Imperative "Transforming the Global Economy by 2050" [Connections]
- 09/24/21 Author Kim Heacox on his recent article in the Guardian, "The drought in US south-west is the worst in 1,200 years. It might be here to stay." [1st half of Connections]
09/24/21 Melanie Joy, PhD, on her book, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows [2nd half Connections]
- 08/27/21 Julie Mach, Conservation Director for the Colorado Mountain Club, on the reopening of the DeCaLiBron 14ers [1st half of Connections]
08/27/21 Dr. Jennifer Furi, PhD, on the rights and roles of women in Afghanistan [2nd half Connections]
- 07/02/21 Sumbul Ali-Karamali on her latest book, Demystifying Shariah: What it is, How it Works, and Why it's Not Taking Over Our Country [Connections]
- 05/14/21 Naturalist, outdoorsman, and author Doug Peacock on Grizzly Bears, Ed Abbey, Martin Luther King, Jr., the Vietnam War, Climate Change, and the demise of the natural world. [Connections]
- 04/30/21 Dr. Mary M. Peacock on Conservation Biology, Biodiversity, Population, Climate Change, and Lahontan cutthroat trout. [Connections]
- 02/26/21 Parker McMullen Bushman on the history of inclusion in public lands and the importance of creating welcoming spaces for everyone. [Connections]
- 12/11/20 Dr. Jeff Spiess, MD - on his latest book, Dying with Ease: A compassionate Guide for Making Wiser End-of-Life Decisions [Connections]
- 12/04/20 Dr. Howard Frumkin on his latest book, Planetary Health (Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves) [1st half of Connections]
12/04/20 Jim Lockhart, president of the environmental group Wild Connections, on their work throughout Colorado [2nd half Connections]
- 07/31/20 Nate Menninger - on his film, The Porter (About having worked as a foreign porter on an expedition to Mount Everest) [Connections]
- 06/26/20 John Perkins - on his latest book, Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear into Action to Change Your Life and the World (+ Social Distancing!) [Connections]
- 05/29/20 Thom Hartmann - on his latest book, The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back [Connections]
- 04/03/20 Jonathan Hennessey - on his documentary, You Don't Understand the Second Amendment, But You Can Learn To [Connections]
- 01/31/20 Dr. Philip Goff - Professor Durham University, on his latest book, Galileo's Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness [Connections]
- 12/20/19 Darrin Qualman on his book, Civilization Critical: Energy, Food, Nature, and the Future [Connections]
- 11/29/19 Bernice L. Hausman on her latest book, Anti / Vax - Reframing the Vaccination Controversy [Connections]
- 11/01/19 Alim A. Seytoff, Esq., president Uyghur American Association on the people and history of East Turkestan [Connections archival broadcast from my 01-30-2015 show]
- 10/25/19 Chester McQueary on Project Rulison and a lifetime of activisim [Connections]
- 09/27/19 Dr. Roberto Tejada on his latest book, Still Nowhere in an Empty Vastness and Hispanic Heritage Month [1st half of Connections]
09/27/19 Drs. Anne Hines and Pramod Khanal on their work with the Colorado Nepal Alliance and Women's Health Camp [2nd half Connections]
- 08/30/19 Jean O'Malley Halley on her latest book, Horse Crazy - Girls and the Lives of Horses [Connections]
- 07/26/19 Dr. Roger S. Gottlieb on his latest book, Morality and the Environmental Crisis [Connections]
- 06/28/19 Jae Gruenke and Art Ives on the Feldenkrais method and running pain-free, efficiently, and fast [Connections]
- 04/19/19 Jason Treat, Senior Graphics Editor for National Geographic Magazine on their April edition; Cities: Ideas for a Brighter Future [1st half of Connections]
04/19/19 Art Hirsch, Boulder Waterkeeper, on E. coli in Boulder Creek [2nd half Connections]
- 03/22/19 Sherri Tippie, founder of Wildlife 2000, on relocating beavers in Colorado [1st half of Connections]
03/22/19 Attorney Kelly Nokes, of the Western Environmental Law Center, on the proposed delisting of wovles as an endangered species [2nd half Connections]
- 03/01/19 Author John Wesley Anderson on Culturally Modified Trees [1st half of Connections]
03/01/19 Carolyn Bninski and Thomas Mayer, both from the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, on the crisis in Venezuela [2nd half Connections]
- 01/11/19 Dr. Kristin J. Wilson on her book, Others' Milk (Potential of Exceptional Breastfeeding) [1st half of Connections]
01/11/19 Jeff Sparhawk, Director of the Colorado Search and Rescue Board, on SAR operations throughout the state [2nd half Connections]
- 01/04/19 Dr. Albert A. Bartlett - Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Colorado, on population [Connections archival broadcast from my 01/22/1998 show]
- 11/30/18 Alison Gallensky and Karl Ford, PhD from the enviromental group, Wild Connections [Connections]
- 09/21/18 Cody Lundin, founder of the Aboriginal Living Skills School in Prescott, Arizona on survival [Connections]
- 06/29/18 Author Serhii Plokhy on his book, CHERNOBYL: The History of a Nuclear Catastrophe [Connections]
- 05/11/18 Author David B. Williams on his book, Cairns: Messegners in Stone [1st half of Connections]
05/11/18 Rocky Smith on his 35 years of working to save Colorado's forests [2nd half Connections]
- 04/13/18 Susi Snyder, Nuclear Disarmament Programme Manager for Pax in the Netherlands, on Don't Bank on the Bomb [Connections]
- 03/30/18 Edwin S. Rubenstein, Director of Research for Negative Population Growth, Inc. [Connections]
- 02/16/18 Kevin Mottus, California Brain Tumor Association, on the hazards of 5g [Connections]
- 01/26/18 Jeremy Lent on his latest book, The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning [Connections]
- 12/15/17 Martin Ogle, founder of Entrepreneurial Earth, LLC, on Environmental Literacy and ALL careers[Connections]
- 10/27/17 Author Adam Federman on his book, Fasting and Feasting (The Life of Visionary Food Writer Patience Gray) [1st half of Connections]
10/27/17 David Gottorf, president of the Lake Irwin Coalition on the Green Lake Road access issue in Gunnison County [2nd half Connections]
- 09/29/17 Author Joan Brady on her book, Alger Hiss: Framed (A New Look at the Case That Made Nixon Famous) [1st half of Connections]
09/29/17 Visual artists Krista Williams and Jason Bushey on painting and sculpting, respectively [2nd half Connections]
- 08/25/17 Mary Ann Bonnell, Visitor Services Manager for Jefferson County Open Space, on Coyote conflict in urban environments. [Connections]
- 08/18/17 Dan C. Winter and Ron Forthofer, Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center on North Korea and its nuclear weapons [Connections]
- 06/23/17 Claudia Rosett, Independent Women's Forum on North Korea and its nuclear weapons [1st half of Connections]
06/23/17 Scott Hoffman Black, Executive Director of the Xerces Society, on pollinators [2nd half Connections]
- 04/28/17 Alison Main on The Hazards Of Electromagnetic Fields (And Why You Should Care) [Connections]
- 03/31/17 Mary Otto, author of Teeth (The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America) [1st half of Connections]
03/31/17 Richard J. Schneider, author of "Water," and "Vote" on voting in our system [2nd half Connections]
- 02/24/17 Kim Pope with the Sierra Club's "Our Wild America" campaign about the Trump Administration's impact on the environment [Connections]
- 12/02/16 Professor Jared Carter on Cuba after Castro (Cuban American Friendship Society) [1st half of Connections]
04/29/16 Author Mac Regan on his book, Global Citizens Patriots [2nd half Connections]
- 10/28/16 Carrie Ann Lucas, "No on Prop 106" (A Fatally Flawed Measure) - Founder and Executive Director of Disabled Parents Rights
10/28/16 with Matt Larson of "Yes on Prop 106" (Colorado End of Life Options) and President MRL Investments, LTD
10/28/16 on an in-depth look at Colorado Proposition 106 (the End of Life Options Act) [Connections]
- 09/23/2016 Michael Ableman on his book, Street Farm (Growing Food, Jobs, and Hope on the Urban Frontier) [Connections]
- 08/26/16 Sylvia Clark and Tim Haas with the U.S. Forest Service's Boulder Ranger District Office and
08/26/16 Christopher Rea and Kyle McCatty of Boulder County's Wildfire Partners office on the urban wildland interface
08/26/16 and fire protection for public lands, private property, people, animals, and wildlife. [Connections]
- 07/01/16 Shari Sharifi Brown, author of The Seven Commandments for Happiness and Prosperity [Connections]
- 04/29/16 Megan Mueller, Senior Conservation Biologist with Rocky Mountain Wild and the Front Range Pika Project [1st half of Connections]
04/29/16 Author Elizabeth Marshall Thomas on her book, Dreaming of Lions (My Life in the Wild Places) [2nd half Connections]
- 03/25/16 Christina Crosby, author of A Body, Undone (Living on After Great Pain) [1st half of Connections]
03/25/16 Paul Krishnamurty, The Political Gambler (For neutral analysis and accurate election predictions, follow the smart money!) [2nd half Connections]
- 02/26/16 Saint John Hunt, author of Dorothy (The Murder of E. Howard Hunt's Wife - Watergate's Darkest Secret) [Connections]
- 01/29/16 Professor Paul Ehrlich Population Redux (from my 03/08/13 interview) [1st half of Connections]
- 01/29/16 Tim Russo, KGNU's station manager on his experience as a Mexico and Latin America correspondent for FSRN and the founding of COMPPA [2nd half Connections]
- 01/01/16 Steven Hill, author of Raw Deal (How The "Uber Economy" And Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers) [Connections]
- 12/25/15 Boulder centenarian Opal Telleen on her life and the world around her for the past 100 years [Connections]
- 12/18/15 Professor Ken Geiser on his book, Chemicals Without Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World [Connections]
- 11/27/15 Jordan Halliday on Fur Free Friday and Post Traumatic Stress After Prison [Connections]
- 10/30/15 Will Everett, author of We'll Live Tomorrow, on the dangers aid workers face in Afghanistan [1st half of Connections]
10/30/15 Scott Jucha, author of the Silver Ships series, on NASA's collaboration with other nations for space exploration [2nd half Connections]
- 09/18/15 Russell Friedman, co-author of The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss [1st half of Connections]
09/18/15 Tom Sobol Quiet Use Coalition [2nd half Connections]
- 08/07/15 Cinta Kaipat, co-founder Alternative Zero Coaltion, Pagan Watch, and Beautify CNMI! (On the military's bombing proposal and recent typhoon) [Connections]
- 06/26/15 Professor Susan Greenhalgh, author of Fat-Talk Nation: The Human Costs of America's War on Fat [Connections]
- 05/15/15 Joel Westheimer, author of What Kind of Citizen? Educating Our Children for the Common Good [1st half of Connections]
05/15/15 Anne Hines, Executive Director of Shoes for Sherpas on the Nepal relief efforts [2nd half Connections]
- 04/10/15 Dr. William Rees, PhD, co-developer of the ecological footprint analysis, for the Conference on World Affairs on Ecological Economics [Connections]
- 03/27/15 Dr. Philip Cafaro, PhD, author of How Many Is Too Many? (The Progressive Argument for Reducing Immigration into the United States [Connections]
- 02/27/15 Chris Orcutt, author of A Truth Stranger Than Fiction on mining the Moon for Helium-3 [1st half of Connections]
02/27/15 Ron Forhofer (Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center), Judy Lubow (Front Range Fair Trade Coalition), and
02/27/15 David Felice (Communications Workers of America) - all three on Fast Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership [2nd half Connections]
01/30/15 Alim A. Seytoff, Esq., president Uyghur American Association on the people and history of East Turkestan [Connections]
- 11/28/14 Gary H. Collins, former federal prosecutor and author of The Last Election (A Novel of Politics) - on income inequality, racism, and Ferguson, Missouri [Connections]
- 11/21/14 Nicolette Hahn Niman, author of Defending Beef (The Case For Sustainable Meat Production) [1st half of Connections]
11/21/14 Norbert "Paleo Steve" Parsoneault on fitness and diet [2nd half Connections]
- 10/31/14 Eric Schmidt, Executive Director, Wildlife Protection Solutions (on saving Rhinos) [1st half of Connections]
10/31/14 Shannon O'Donnell on solo female world travel [2nd half Connections]
- 09/26/14 Donald Barry, Senior Vice President for Conservation for Defenders of Wildlife, on Extinction and the Endangered Species Act [Connections]
- 08/29/14 Courtney White, author of Grass, Soil, Hope (A Journey Through Carbon Country) [Connections]
- 08/01/14 Stephanie Welch, Society for Barefoot Living [1st half of Connections]
08/01/14 Dr. Robert M. Hazen, On his book, The Story of Earth (The First 4.5 Billion Years, From Stardust to Living Planet) [2nd half Connections]
- 06/27/14 Ryan Ross, Director for the Coalition for a New Colorado Election System [1st half of Connections]
06/27/14 Marcia Naomi Berger, On her book, Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love (30 Minutes a Week for the Relationship You've Always Wanted) [2nd half Connections]
- 04/25/14 Bruce Dancis, author of Reister A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War [Connections]
- 04/09/14 66th Council On World Affairs, panel discussion (broadcast from the University Memorial Center in Boulder) on Inequality: The Real Hunger Games [A Public Affair]
04/09/14 Neil King, Jr., global economics editor and deputy Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal
04/09/14 Linda Hilton, Director of Coalition of Relgious Communities at Crossroads Urban center in Utah
04/09/14 Gordon Adams, School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C.
04/09/14 Monika Bauerlein, co-editor Mother Jones
- 03/28/14 Bill Manning, Executive Director of the Colorado Trail Foundation [1st half of Connections]
03/28/14 Dr. Zoltán Grossman, PhD, on Ukraine and Russia's recent annexation of Crimea [2nd half Connections]
01/31/14 Victoria Law, author of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women [1st part Connections]
01/31/14 Graham Peebles, director of The Create Trust, a U.K. registered charity he founded in 2005 [2nd part Connections]
- 12/27/13 Larry DeSaules, volunteer with Westernaires, the Colorado Mountain Club's Youth Educatin Program, and the American Lung Association's Champ Camp for the Year-in-Review [Connections]
- 11/08/13 Scott C. Hammond, PhD, author of Lessons of the Lost, (Finding Hope and Resilience in Work, Life, and the Wilderness) [1st half of Connections]
11/08/13 Former FBI agent and whistleblower, Coleen Rowley, On Edward Snowden and the NSA [2nd half Connections]
09/27/13 Micki Trost, Public Information Officer for the Colorado Division of Homeland Security
09/27/13 and Emergency Management ("Connections" program on Colorado flooding) [1st part Connections]
09/27/13 Matt Kelsch, hydrometeorologist with the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training
09/27/13 Program at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder ("Connections" program on Colorado flooding) [2nd part Connections]
- 08/30/13 Australian psychologist and writer Gina Perry on her latest book, Behind the Shock Machine (The Untold Story of the Notorious Milgram Psychology
08/30/13 Experiments) [1st half Connections]
08/30/13 Audubon Society of Great Denver activists Polly and Gene Reetz and Ann Bonnell on the proposed expansion of water storage at Chatfield State
08/30/13 Park [2nd half Connections]
- 05/31/13 Earth First! activists Darryl Cherney and Betty Ball on the documentary "Who Bombed Judi Bari" and a possible connection between the FBI
05/31/13 and Mythbusters cast member Frank Doyle [1st half of Connections]
05/31/13 Anne Petermann Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project and the Coordinator of the International Campaign to STOP GE Trees [2nd half Connections]
- 05/10/13 Gregory T. Angelo, Executive Director Log Cabin Republicans[Connections]
- 04/26/13 Janalee Tobias, founder, Women Against Gun Control and Eileen McCarron, president, Colorado Ceasefire on guns and the 2nd Amendment [Connections]
- 04/05/13 Pete Tansill, 79 Year Old walking across America alone [1st half of Connections]
04/05/13 Lt. Col. Anthony A. Shaffer, Director for External Communications
at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies on North Korea,
04/05/13 nuclear weapons, and need to reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal [2nd half Connections]
- 03/26/13 Michael "Big Smoke" Slayton and Loritta "Flint Woman" Slayton on fire by frictions [How on Earth]
- 03/08/13 Dr. Valerie Solheim, Ph.D. on her book, The Beehive Effect [1st half Connections]
03/08/13 Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D., discussing his RSPB article, "Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?" [2nd half Connections]
- 02/22/13 Dr. Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. on her book Talking To Terrorists (Understanding The Psycho-Social Motivations of
02/22/13 Militant Jihai Terrorists, Mass Hostage Takers, Suicide Bombers & 'Martyrs')
- 01/25/13 Dr. Nick Moskalev, Ph.D., of DyeDiet.com, on food dyes, additivies, and other toxins in our food [1st half of Connections]
01/25/13 Tom Mowle and Steve Bonowski of the Colorado Mountain Club's Rampart Range Wildlands Project [2nd half Connections]
- 12/21/12 Psychotherapist Dr. Yvonne DeMoss, Ph.D., on holiday mood disorders and the recent shootings and other strssors[Connections]
- 11/30/12 New Hampshire State Representative Mark Warden on the Free State Project [Connections]
- 11/23/12 Richard J. Schneider, author Water (A Vic Begston Investigation) on self publishing and the art, love, and labor of writing [1st half of Connections]
11/23/12/Dr. Jean Tate, Ph.D. and Dr. Paul Kilburn, Ph.D. of the Jefferson County Nature Association on seed picking and restoration at Rocky Flats [2nd half]
- 10/26/12 Zack Kaldveer, Yes on Prop 13 (California's GMO labeling initiative) [1st half of Connections]
10/26/12/Katie Fleming, Associate Director Colorado Common Cause, on voter intimidation [2nd half of Connections]
- 09/21/12 Jenny Brown, author The Lucky Ones (My Passionate Fight for Farm Animals) [Connections]
- 08/24/12 Ledy VanKavage, Senior Legislative Attorney for Best Friends Animal Society - the nation's largest No Kill animal sanctuary [Connections]
- 07/13/12 Jordan Estevao - Director of National People's Action's Bank Accountability Campaign [1st half of Connections]
07/13/12/Bill May and George Newell, Veterans for Peace, on the Cost of War [2nd half of Connections]
- 06/22/12 Deron Lovaas, Federal Transportation Policy Director for the Natural Resources Defense Council on oil and transportation issues [Connections]
- 06/04/12 Tim Ward, author Zombies on Kilimanjaro: A Father/Son Journey Above the Clouds [Metro]
- 05/25/12 Christine Frietchen, Your social media accounts after you die [1st half of Connections]
05/25/12/Robert Thayer, Bee Guardian [2nd half of Connections]
- 03/30/12 Dave Foreman, co-founder Earth First! and author of Rewilding North America A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century [Connections]
- 03/05/12 Jeffrey D. Clements, author of Corporations Are Not People Why They Have More Rights Than You Do and What You Can Do About It [A Public Affair]
- 02/24/12 Anneli Rufus, author of Party of One The Loners' Manifesto [Connections]
- 02/01/12 George W. Maschke, Ph.D. co-founder of AntiPolygraph.org about his book, The Lie Behind the Lie Detector [Morning Magazine]
- 01/27/12 Josh Levy, Internet Campaign Director for FreePress.net, on SOPA, PIPA, and an open Internet [Connections]
- 01/11/12 Occupy Boulder activists Fiore Grey, Ilan Sherman, Zachary Friar, Kate Josephson, and Daniel Thorson on the nighttime closing
01/27/12/of Boulder's parks by the city manager. [Morning Magazine]
- 01/06/12 Emil DeToffol, founder of Less EMF, on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and their health effects [Connections]
- 12/16/11 Barbara Slavin, senior fellow at The Atlantic Council, on Iran [1st half of Connections]
12/16/11/Mary Mulry, PhD on genetically modified crops in Boulder County open space [2nd half of Connections]
12/16/11/Mike Ludwig, reporter for TruthOut.orgon genetically modified crops in Boulder County open space [2nd half of Connections]
- 11/03/11 Christopher Hellman, Director of Research for the National Priorities Project - on military spending and budget cuts [It's The Economy]
11/03/11/ Dr. Lawrence Korb, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress - on military spending and budget cuts [It's The Economy]
- 10/07/11 Joan Johnson-Fresse, Ph.D., Professor, National Security Studies, Naval War College and author, Heavenly Ambitions; America's Quest
10/07/11/ to Dominate Space (Our discussion focused mostly on China and their space amibitons...) [Connections]
- 10/06/11 Kevin Zeese, core organizer of October2011.org and co-director of ItsOUrEconomy.US, at Freedom Plaza, Washington DC [It's The Economy]
10/06/11/ Flozell Daniels, Jr. President and CEO of the Louisiana Disaster Recovery Foundation (LDRF), now the Foundation for Louisiana,
10/06/11/ in New Orleans [It's The Economy]
10/06/11/ Forrest Young Taft, street interviews near the state capital for "Occupy Denver" [It's The Economy]
10/06/11/ Kate Keefer, organizer, Occupy Denver [It's The Economy]
- 08/09/11 Michael Buttgen, founder of the Primalfoot Alliance [Morning Magazine]
- 08/09/11 Veronica Lingo on her Boulder City Council report [Morning Magazine]
- 07/11/11 Carla Zinanti, Animal Control Manager for Jefferson Coutny, Colorado, on their There is No Poop Fairy dog clean-up campaign (Click Here for the audio)
- 07/11/11 Sandra Fish, Colorado Politics and her analysis of Governor Hickenlooper's firs six months in office
- 06/29/11 Ron Tipton, Senior Vice President, Policy, National Parks Conservation Association
- 06/29/11 Sam Weaver, CEO Cool Energy and technical and financial modeling group lead at RenewablesYes.org on Boulder's energy future
- 06/22/11 Ian Gowning, bicycle mechanic with Community Cycles in Boulder on bicycle maintenance
- 06/22/11 Elizabeth Train, Executive Director of Boulder's "B-Cycle" program on the new bicycle rental program
- 06/22/11 International energy industry consultant Nicole Foss on Preparing for the Next (Economic) Tsunami
- 06/01/11 Philip Connors, author of Fire Season (Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout)
- 12/17/10 Marvin Strauss, co-founder of the Boulder Atheists, on their billboard campaign against government Nativity scenes
12/17/10/ David Silverman, president of American Atheists, on their holiday religious myth holiday billboard campaign
- 11/26/10 Michelle Ray, Public Relations Manager for the Denver Dumb Friends League on animal adoptions and their 100th anniversary
11/26/10/ Josh Labure, Adam Taylor, and James Duncan on their Buy Nothing Day and Carnival of Rebellion activities in Denver
- 11/12/10 Les Blomberg, founder and Executive Director of The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
- 09/24/10 Paige Tomaselli, staff attorney for the Center for Food Safety
09/24/10/ Dave Murphy, founding director of Food Democracy Now!
- 08/20/10 Dr. Frank Kavanaugh, board member for the Right-to-Die group, Final Exit Network
- 07/19/10 Michael Sandler, of RunBare.com, on barefoot running
- 01/11/10 Jane Wodening, author of Living Up There
- 12/18/09 Russ Allen, amateur photographer who has been tracking St. Mary's Glacier since 1991
12/18/09/ Sarah Craven, Chief of the Washington D.C. Office, United Nations Populations Fund
12/18/09/ Laurie Mazur, Director of the Population Justice Project
- 09/17/09 Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets (The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces that put into the
09/17/09/ Whitehouse and What their Influence means for America)
- 07/24/09 Professor Charles D. Smith, author of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (A History With Documents)
- 06/26/09 Rebecca Griffin, Political Director for Peace Action West, on the recent election protests in Iran
- 05/29/09 Richard D. Lamm, former Colorado Governor on the Environmental Consequences of U.S. Population Growth
- 05/29/09 Plein air artist Ted Garcia on his 365 day painting project (recorded 05-14-2009 for Metro Arts)
- 05/21/09 Phil Smith, Communications Director for the Secure World Foundation
- 04/24/09 Obama's Military Budget: Miriam Pemberton, Research Fellow in the Peace and Security program
04/24/09/ at the Institute for Policy Studies and Travis Sharp, Communications Director and Military Policy Analyst
04/24/09/ at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
- 04/16/09 Joanne Stern, PhD, author of Parenting is a Contact Sport (8 Ways to Stay Connected to your kids for Life)
- 04/13/09 Evan Ravitz, Executive Director The National Initiative for Democracy
- 04/09/09 Conference on World Affairs panel discussion, Torture and Rendition to Fight Terror
04/09/09/ Investigative journalist Roberta Baskin, Dr. Robert G. Kaufman, and Professor Harvey Rishikof
- 03/27/09 Stephen Kinzer, author of Overthrow (America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq)
- 03/19/09 Nathan Otto & Amber Lupton, co-authors Give Peace a Deadline (What ordinary people can do to cause world peace in five years)
- 02/27/09 Cristina Page, author of How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America (Freedom, Politics, and the War on Sex)
- 02/19/09 Social entrepreneur Dr. Sonja Ebron, CEO of www.blackEnergy.com, on power generation and energy consumption
- 02/02/09 Dr. C.N. Slobodchikoff, co-author Prairie Dogs - Communication and Community in an Animal Society
02/02/09 Lindsey Sterling Krank, Executive Director of the Prairie Dog Coalition
- 01/15/09 Dr. James Larwence Powell, author of Dead Pool (Lake Powell, Global Warming, and the Future of Water in the West)
- 01/09/09 Matthew Stein, author of When Technology Fails (A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency)
- 12/18/08 Janelle Kuku - President, Colorado Snowmobile Association
12/18/08 Terry Peavler - Secretary, Colorado Snowmobile Association
12/18/08 Aaron Clark - Recreation campaign Director for the Southern Rockies Cosnervation alliance
12/18/08 Rosalind McClellan - Founder, Rocky Mountain Recreation initiative
- 11/14/08 Gary Swain - Dispatches While Waiting for a Heart
- 11/13/08 Renna Shesso, author of Math for Mystics (From the Fibonacci Sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry)
- 11/13/08 Dave Isay, author of Listening is an Act of Love (A celebration of American Life From The StoryCorps Project) (recorded on 10/28/08)
- 10/16/08 Tim and Cindie Travis, authors of Down the Road in South America (A Bicycle Tour through Poverty, Paradise,
10/16/08 and the Places in Between)
- 10/03/08 Jacqueline Cabasso, co-author Nuclear Disorder or Cooperative Security? (U.S. Weapons of Terror,
10/03/08 the Global Proliferation Crisis and Paths to Peace) and Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation
- 09/29/08 Edward C. Hartman, author of The Population Fix (Breaking America's Addiction to Population Growth)
- 09/11/08 Vincent Bugliosi, author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
- 08/21/08 Historian John Steinle - comparing the 1908 and 2008 Denver Democratic National Conventions
- 08/15/08 Brian Katulis, co-author of The Prosperity Agenda
- 06/19/08 Robert Scheer, author of The Pornography of Power
- 05/16/08 Paul Sean Fitzgerald, author of Cell Phone Friend or Enemy
- 05/15/08 Carol Barrow and Betty Lynn Ferguson from Women in Black
- 05/15/08 Danan Henry Roshi of the Zen Center of Denver
- 04/11/08 Dr. Karambu Ringera, founder of International Peace Initiatives, on Kenya: Combating Disease, Conflict and Poverty
- 04/08/08 Hemispheres: Pakistanis Under Musharraf and the Bush Doctrine
04/08/08 Wendy Chamberlin - veteran U.S. Foreign Service officer and former Ambassador to Laos and Pakistan
04/08/08 Jospeh Cirincione - president of the Ploughshares Fund
04/08/08 S. Azmat Hassan - served as Pakistan's ambassador to Malaysia, Syria, and, most recently to Morocco
- 03/28/08 Mark Winne on hus book, Closing the Food Gap Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty
- 03/13/08 Majka Burhardt on her book, Vertical Ethiopia Climbing Toward Possibility in the Horn of Africa
- 02/29/08 Dmitry Orlov on his book, Reinventing Collapse: Soviet example and American prospects
- 01/17/08 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Marade and Holiday Celebration:
01/17/08 Vern L. Howard, statewide events chairman for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Colorado Commission
01/17/08 Larry Hale, alternative Marade organizer
01/17/08 Isolde Hathaway, Boulder's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration organizer
- 01/04/08 Harvey Wasserman on Nuclear Power and Election Fraud
- 12/07/07 Death Penalty/Capital Punishment issues:
12/07/07 Doug Wilson, the Colorado State Public Defender
12/07/07 State Representative Paul Weissmann, Colorado District 12
12/07/07 Robert Grant, former District Attorney for Adams and Broomfield counties
- 08/24/07 Peggy Utesch, member of the Western Colorado Congress - on natural gas drilling in Colorado
08/24/07 Matt Baker, Executive Director of Environment Colorado - working towards renewable energy and wildland conservation
- 07/27/07 Nikki Kayser (News and Public Affairs) joined me for a fun and informative hour political talk and open lines!
- 06/29/07 Parents of fallen soldiers in Iraq, Karen Meredith (mother of 1st Lt. Kenneth Michael Ballard )
06/29/07 and Margaret Palmatier (mother of Spc. Jacob C. Palmatier) - Gold Star Families speak Out
- 05/11/07 Tamdin Wangdu, founder of The Tibetan Village Project
- 05/11/07 Sue Kranzdor, author of Hero Dragon, A Workbook for Parents
05/11/07 Tamdin Wangdu, founder of The Tibetan Village Project
- 05/04/07 James Howard Kuntsler, author of The Long Emergency Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change,
05/04/07 and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century
- 01/05/07 Joan McWilliams, author of The PeaceFinder (Riley McFee's Quest for World Peace)
13-Year-old Amber tried her hand at broadcasting in KGNU's old Folsom Street studio (1995)
- 12/06/06 Stacy Mitchell, author of Big Box Swindle (The True Cost of Mega-Retailers and the Fight for America's Independent Businesses)
- 11/10/06 Eric Sondermann (Sondermann/E-Squared Partners) and Clay Evans (Senior editor of the Boulder Daily Camera)
11/10/06 on post election review and analysis
- 10/31/06 Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope on politics and the environment during the '06 midterm elections
- 09/08/06 Independent filmmaker Ward Powers on "One, the Movie"
- 07/28/06 Dr. Ulf Bossel, of the European Fuel Cell Myth of a Hydrogen Future
- 04/28/06 NW 470 Beltway discussion: City of Arvada Councilmember Lorraine Anderson, CINQ president Rob Medina,
04/28/06 CDOT Transportation Commissioner Joe Jehn, and Edie Bryan, member of CDOT's Cooridor Consensus Committee
- 03/15/06 Greg Mortenson on his book, Three Cups of Tea (One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations One School at a Time),
03/15/06 and his work at the Central Aisia Institute
- 02/28/06 Michael Robinson, of the Center for Biological Diversity, on his book, Predatory Bureaucracy
02/28/06 (The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West)
- 02/28/06 Carlo Spano and Jim Moore of Rooney Valley Org on their fight to preserve Lakewood openspace
- 02/17/06 Josh Osher, Justine and Roman Sanchez of the Buffalo Field Campaign - on Yellowstone's Buffalo slaughter...
- 01/27/06 Robert Cohen, author of Milk - The Deadly Poison
- 11/14/05 Arlene Blum and her book, Breaking Trail: A Climbing Life
- 10/19/05 Dr. Penelope Canan and the Global Carbon Project on climate change
- 10/04/05 Dr. KC Huang - Aspen Physics Center, on glowing bacteria and Hawaiian squid
- 09/23/05 U.S. Department of Peace:
09/23/05 Zanaib Salbi - Women for Women International
09/23/05 Marianne Williamson - The Peace Alliance Foundation
09/23/05 George Newell - Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
- 09/21/05 David Roberts about his book, On the Ridge between Life and Death: A Climbing Life Reexamined
- 08/12/05 Photojournalists Molly Bingham and Steve Connors on the Iraq insurgency
- 07/19/05 Iron Feather on the closing of Boulder's Penny Lane coffee shop
- 07/01/05 Jorge Andromidas, of the Colorado Grizzly Project, and Wendy Keefover-Ring from Sinapu
- 05/27/05 Captain Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
- 03/11/05 Derrick Jensen on his upcoming book Endgame: The Collapse of Civilization and the Rebirth of Community
- 01/21/05 Acupuncture:
01/21/05 Drew Henderson, L.Ac. - Acupuncture Association of Colorado
01/21/05 Valerie Hobbs, L. Ac. - Southwest Acupuncture College
- 01/13/05 Julie Beckwith, Group Services Director and Volunteer Coordinator for the Colorado Mountain Club
Roger Wendell is
listener endorsed!
- 12/24/04 Karen Kraut, State Taxation Project Director, United for a Fair Economy, on poverty and the concentration of wealth
- 12/23/04 Greg Harms, Executive Director Boulder Shelter for the Homeless
- 11/19/04 Professor Stephen Zunes, author of Tinderbox: U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism
- 10/08/04 Referendum 4A (FasTracks): - Denver Area's 12 year light-rail transportation plan
10/08/04 Randy O'Toole, Director of the Independence Institute's Center for the American Dream
10/08/04 Debra Baskett, Executive Director of U.S. 36 Transportation Mobility Organization
- 09/29/04 Micah L. Sifry and Nancy Watzman of Public Campaign on their book,
09/29/04 Is that a Politician in Your Pocket? (Washington on $2 Million a Day)
- 08/20/04 Dr. Alan Kuper, PhD, President CUSP (Comprehensive US Sustainable Population),
08/20/04 Fred Elbel, Director CAIR (Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform),
08/20/04 Laurie Hendron, board member for Boulder's "El Centro Armistad" immigration rights center
- 08/13/04 Paul Roberts, author of The End of Oil (On the Edge of a Perilous New World)
- 06/25/04 Tim and Cindie Travis, of DownTheRoad.org, on their 7 year bicycle tour around the world!
- 05/07/04 Kenny Ausubel, editor of Ecological Medicine (Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves) and founder of the Bioneers
- 04/09/04 Congressman and presidential candidate Dennis J. Kucinich
- 03/10/04 Wildlands Restoration Volunteers - Ed Self, Larau Backus, and Rene Brodeur
- 12/19/03 Maria Gilardin, producer of TUC Radio - Time of Useful Consciousncess
- 11/14/03 Becca Emme, Development Director for the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
- 10/31/03 Thomas Halicki, Boulder County Clerk and Recorder Elections Division Manager
- 08/22/03 Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie
- 02/26/03 John Firor and Judith E. Jacobsen, authors of The Crowded Greenhouse
- 11/15/02 Bart Miller, Attornery for the Land and Water Fund of the Rockies
11/15/02 Steve Glazer, Water Director for HCCA, High Country Citizens' Alliance
- 07/19/02 Bob Tiernan, Director of the Colorado Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
- 05/17/02 Becca Emme, Development Director for the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
- 01/18/02 Erik Weihenmayer, author of Touch the Top of the World
- 12/07/01 Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun Magazine and
12/07/01 Husni Sayed of AFTAP (Americans for the Truth about Palestine)
- 09/21/01 Dr. Franz Metcalf and BJ Gallagher Hateley on their book, What Would Buddha Do?
- 07/27/01 Dr. Bill Warnock, Boulder-Lhasa Sister Cities Project and
07/27/01 Tamdin Wangdu, Tibetan human rights activist
- 04/13/01 Dr. George E. Siedel, Colorado State University Distinguished Professor, on cloning and bio-engineering
- 02/23/01 Steve Andrews - of Solar Spectra, and
02/23/01 Randy Udall - C.O.R.E. on our energy future
Parabolic Reflector
Me and KGNU's satellite dish antenna in 1995 at
the old Folsom Street studios...
- 12/22/00 Mary Romano-Ocken - Outreach Coordinator, EarthLinks, on voluntary simplicity and
12/22/00 Dr. Cecile Andrews, author of Simplicity Circles [Click Here for the related newsletter Article]
- 09/15/00 Jan Lundberg of the Alliance for a Paving Moratorium, on energy and transportation
- 08/25/00 Les U. Knight - Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
- 05/12/00 Peter Kostmayer - Director, Zero Population Growth
- 03/31/00 Mayor Paul Tauer - Aurora, Colorado
- 02/04/00 Roz McClellan - Founder, Rocky Mountain Recreation Initiative
02/04/00 Harold Ogden - Member, Mile High Jeep Club
- 12/17/99 Dr. Suzanne Wuerthele - Genetic Engineering
- 07/30/99 Jan Hamilton - Executive Director, Wilderness Ranch
- 01/22/99 Mark Warren Reinhardt, author of The Perfectly Contented Meat Eater's Guide to Vegetarianism
- 07/31/98 Steve Wolper - Board of directors, Idaho Conservation League, on climbing and fixed anchors
07/31/98 Sally Moser - Executive Director, The Access Fund, on climbing and fixed anchors
- 06/05/98 Nichole Rosemarino - Rocky Mountain Animal Defense and The Biodiversity Legal Foundation
06/05/98 Lyn Ruby - Citizens Eco Watch of Colorado, on prairie dogs and habitat
- 05/07/98 Mike Roselle - Cofounder Earth First!
- 03/06/98 Dr. Estevan Flores - Director, Latino/a Policy Institute CU Denver
03/06/98 Roy Beck - Immigration
- 01/22/98 Dr. Albert A. Bartlett - Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Colorado, on population [Thursday Evening Call-in Show]
- 12/26/97 John Trochmann - Militia of Montana
- 08/29/97 Ron Forthofer - Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
- 08/08/97 Tonja Loendorf - Although she was my co-host for open lines I ended up interviewing her
08/08/97 about various local and regional issues - including "growth," the EDS buyout of NEODATA in Louisville,
08/08/97 Taylor Ranch/San Luis logging, and climbing issues (especially the voluntary closer at Devil's Tower
08/08/97 and the "bolting" of routes along the Front Range) [Connections]
- 02/28/97 Reeves Brown - Colorado Cattlemans' Association
02/28/97 J. Manos - Great Plains Restoration Council [Connections]
- 01/31/97 Susan Zimmermann, Executive Director of the Women's Foundation of Colorado,
01/31/97 Colorado Senator Dorthy Ruper, and Bill Havana from the state human services office
01/31/97 - on women's issues and how they relate to welfare reform. [Connections, co-hosted with Liz Lane]
- 10/02/96 Mike Lewinski - Earth First!
- 06/24/96 Tim Haugen - Wild Ranch and low impact living
Comments from some of my guests:
- "I greatly enjoyed our interview-I wish they were all as good as that-and will most certainly ask to do it again when my next book comes out. Not sure when that will be, though, but that it would lead to an interview is most encouraging. Thank you ever so much for the interview and also for the link, with all good wishes, Liz." 04-29-16
- "Really enjoyed yesterday's lengthy interview with Roger Wendell for @KGNU FM on political betting & #Election2016" Paul Krishnamurti tweet 03-26-2016
- "This is an interview we did with the very insightful host Roger Wendell who dug deeper into the less known aspects of out trip and also focused on recent political and economic events. This is only the first 5 of the 50 min interview and the entire audio interview can be found on DownTheRoad.org" Tim and Cindie Travis, YouTube 10-16-08
Comments from some of my listeners:
- Hello from Robert O'Rourke - "He is a fan and wants to thank you. He says he enjoys the background to current events and in-depth stories, especially on the theme of empowering individuals." Nikki Kayser, Membership Director (01-04-2017)
Front Door
Kelly visited me at KGNU's new digs in 2005...
On February 4th, 2005, I had the pleasure of speaking with Joel Edelstein about the beginnings of KGNU's Friday morning Connections program. Joel founded the program, as the show's only producer, when the US decided to invade Iraq during the first Gulf war. January 18, 1991 was the program's first airing. It was called War Talk.
War Talk offered a review of developments in the war that week and provided a forum for discussion. In that time of war fever, it was a place where members of the community who opposed the war could gain support from the knowledge that they were not alone. As a community forum in a time of war, Joel decided there would be no guests other than callers. As this was another difficult period in the history of American foreign policy, the telephone lines remained full throughout every broadcast! After the hostilities had ceased, at the end of March, the program's name was changed to Peace Talk.
After one year, Joel invited other producers to join him to create a new show. Connections first aired on February 21, 1992. Its mission: "Connecting People, Issues, and Ideas." Over the years there's been a small but stable "collective" of volunteers who produce the program each Friday morning. Generally we also rotate telephone duties between ourselves but have also been lucky to have regular assistance from folks like Eva Mesmer and others who have "pitched-in" when needed.
At the time of this entry, in 2005, our collective consisted of Joel Edelstein, Duncan Campbell, Tonja Loendorf, Kathy Partridge, Bob Gailer, Liz Lane and me. Sadly, early volunteer Paul Klite passed away in June, 2000 and is fondly remembered by our entire KGNU family.
Connections has been around a long time and remains a vital and important feature on KGNU - I hope you'll tune in and join us this Friday morning!
Click Here for the Connections theme from the year 2002
(Our voices in order of appearance; Duncan Campbell, Liz Lane, Joel Edelstein, Roger J. Wendell, and Tonja Loendorf)
Audio from some of my past shows, news broadcasts, promos, and listerner comments:
(Note: I also have a lot of my interviews available for streaming off my Population page!)

Fall 1999 Program Guide (you can click on it for a larger view)
Other Radio Stations
(I used to travel, a lot, and would occassionally stop by other stations)

KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado

KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado

KBUT Crested Butte, Colorado

KDNK Carbondale, Colorado

KDNK Carbondale, Colorado

Colorado Public Radio - Grand Junction

KAFM Grand Junction, Colorado
At one time I spent a lot of time on Colorado's western slope and decided to join KAFM since I listened so much while in the area. They were running only 16 Watts at the time!

XQA-281 Domeyko, Chile

Chilean community radio
Radio comunitaria
Although I've been to Chile I didn't take these photos of XQA-281 - my sister did while she was staying in Domeyko during the summer of 2008...

Colorado Public Radio - Grand Junction

KKMP - Garapan Village, Saipan
(Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)
In June, 2015, I had the pleasure of not only being interviewed by KKMP (Manager Gary Sword) but cutting a
commercial for them as well! I was part of the Kaul/Mitchler attempt at a first ascent up Agrigan Island and,
therefore, one of the six team members interviewed live at the station. After the interview they asked if I'd
record and interview and I agreed! It was a "cash-for-college" promotion that was aired twelve times for over
a week! My friends and I, and many residents (of course!) heard the commercial at various times throughout
our travels around Saipan and on neighboring Tinian. It was great fun at a great station!
Click Here to hear my commercial!

Click Here to hear a commercial I helped the CMC's Youth Programs with!
I don't necessarily endorse any or all of these links. However, I list 'em here for a variety of reasons; as alternative sources, exposure
to differing opinions, entertainment, new information, or (most importantly) Sun Tzu's reminder that you should know your enemy...
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