- 1 MILLION watts—really? FM Supertower Part 2! (2022) - great explanations! [Geerling Engineering, YouTube]
- 12 Angry Men (1957) - a classic!
- 12 Causes of the Russo-Ukrainian War, The (2022) [William Spaniel, YouTube]
- 12th Man, The (2017) - historical
- 12 Years a Slave (2013)
- 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016)
- 14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible (2021) - amazing!
- 17 Miracles (2011)
- 127 Hours (2010) - Gruesome!
- 1917 (2019)
- 1922 (2017)
- 1945: The Savage Peace (2015)
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - I saw it when it first came out while I was in Junior
High and was in complete awe!
- 2001: A Space Odyssey Facts That Are Out Of This World (2022) [Looper, YouTube]
- 2016: Obama's America (2012)
- 3 Perplexing Physics Problems (2019) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- 33, The (2015)
- 308 vs 7.62 NATO: Huge Difference On Steel (2022) [Banana Ballistics, YouTube]
- $4BN Upgrade of the World’s Weirdest Airport (2022) [The B1M, YouTube]
- 50 First dates (2004)
- 5,000 Fingers of Dr. Terwilliker, The (1953) - I watched it in 1962 and 2014
- 50/50 (2011)
- Abandoned (2015)
- About Time (2013)
- Above and Beyond (2014)
- Act of Valor (2012) - Excellent!
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (1939)
- Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
- Affluenza (1997) - the Epidemic of Overconsumption
- Age of Stupid, The (2009)
- Airplane (1970)
- Airport (1980)
- Alamo, The (2004) - A good look at Texas history
- Alexander Revisited (2004)
- Alive: The Miracle of the Andes (1993)
- Alien (1979) - The first one was best!
- Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007) - better than I thought it would be!
- All Different Types Of Radiations Explained! (2022) [Scientifical, YouTube]
- All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)
- All Quiet on the Western Front, Im Westen nichts Neues (2022) - horrifyingly real!
- Almost Famous (2000) - cute!
- Alone Across Australia (2003) - Filmed by Jon Muir himself!
- Alpha (2018)
- Alpha Delta 4 Port Antenna Switch (2023) [TheSmokinApe, YouTube]
- Alpinist, The (2021) - climber Marc-André Leclerc made some of the boldest solo ascents in history!
- Altered States (1980)
- American, The (2010)
- American Animals (2018)
- American Beauty (1999)
- American Experience: Earth Days (2009)
- American Experience: Tesla (2016)
- American Graffiti (1973)
- American Honey (2016)
- American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020)
- American Sniper (2014)
- Americans Have No Idea How Much Fuel Idling Uses 92018) - Excellent explanation! [Engineering Explained, YouTube]
- Amistad (1997)
- Analyzing Evil: Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men (2020) [The Vile Eye, YouTube]
- Anatomy of a Headshot (2021) [Dark Science, YouTube]
- Ancient DNA Reveals Otzi the Iceman's Surprising Secrets, Scientists Are Stunned! (2024) [Vintage TV, YouTube]
- Andromeda Strain, The (1971)
- Animal House (1978)
- Anna and the King (1999)
- Annie Hall (1977)
- Anthropoid (2016)
- Apocolypse Now (1979) - My favorite!
- Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) - extended version with 49 minutes of material that had been removed from the original film.
- Apocalypto (2006) - brutal but excellent!
- Apollo 11 (2019) - fantastic archival footage!
- Apollo 13 (1995)
- Arctic (2018)
- Argo (2012)
- Armadillo (2010)
- Armstrong (2019) - Excellent!
- Around Cape Horn (1929) - Captain Irving Johnson
- Around the World in Eighty Days (1956)
- Arrival (2016)
- Arrival, The (1996)
- Artificial Intelligence: A.I (2001)
- Astronaut Farmer, The (2006)
- Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 (2011)
- Atlas Shrugged: Part 11 (2012)
- Attack the Block (2011) - not great but different!
- Attribute of Light Science Still Can't Explain, The (2023) [Astrum, YouTube]
- Australia (2008)
- Avatar (2009) - Beautiful!
- Aviator, The (2004)
- Azorian: The Raising of the K-129 (2010) - an amazing undertaking!!
- Babel (2006)
- Backcountry (2014) - gruesome!
- Backcountry Film Festival - always a great experience!
- Back to the Future (1985)
- Back to the Future II (1989) - fun picture that mentions my birthday!
- Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
- Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) - I loved it!
- Baluns & Ununs - Understanding Their Role in Antenna Building (2024) [COASTAL WAVES & WIRES, YouTube]
- Banff Mountain Film Festival - I have seen many dozens of films at their Denver Paramount Theater CMC event
- Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000) - yes, I enjoyed it!
- Battle of the Bulge (1965)
- Bayandalai: Lord of the Taiga (2018) - Dikhas tribe elder on life and death
- Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
- Becoming Led Zeppelin (2025) - a couple of long parts though...
- Beatles Explosion, The (2007) - historical footage
- Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, A (2019) - touching!
- Beautiful Mind, A (2001)
- Becoming Human Part 2: Homo Sapiens: The Birth of Humanity [NOVA Documentary] (2011)
- Beetle Juice (1988) - the follow-up in 2024 wasn't nearly as good...
- Being Hear (2016)
- Ben-Hur (1959)
- Bernie (2011)
- Best in Show (2000)
- Beyond Higgs: The Wild Frontier of Particle Physics (2019) [World Science Festival, YouTube][
- Beyond the Atom: INCREDIBLE Plunge into the Heart of Matter towards the Infinitely Small Documentary (2023) [Wondody | The World of Odysseys, YouTube]
- Beyond the Edge 2013
- Big Chill, The (1983)
- Big Interview with Dan Rather, The: Geddy Lee of Rush (2017)
- Biking Borders (2021)
- Bill Nye: Science Guy (2017)
- Billy Jack (1971)
- Birdman of Alcatraz (1962)
- Birds, The (1963)
- Biutiful (2010)
- Black Book (2006)
- Blade Runner (1982)
- Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
- Black Sea (2014)
- Blazzing Saddles (1974) - I was 17 and it seemed very funny at the time!
- Bliss (2007)
- Blues Brothers (1980)
- Blue Valentine (2010)
- Bodyguard, The (1992(
- Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
- Bombardment, The (2022) - Sad...
- Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
- Book of Eli, The (2010)
- Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
- Bowling for Columbine (2002) - Sad, funny and poignant...
- Boy and His Dog, A (1975)
- Boyhood (2014)
- Boys in the Boat, The (2023)
- Boys From Brazil, The (1978)
- Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The (2019)
- Brain on Fire (2016)
- Braveheart (1995)
- Breakdown (1997)
- Breaking Away (1979)
- Breaking The Codes (2009)
- Breathe - Based on a true story... (2018)
- Brian Cox: "The Universe Existed Before Big Bang" (2023) [Space Wind, YouTube]
- Brian Greene - What Was There Before The Big Bang? (2021) [Science Time, YouTube]
- Bridge of Spies (2015)
- Bridge over the River Kwai, The (1957)
- Brief History Of Atom, A | Democritus to Quantum | Atomic Models (2024) - a fun nod to "Breaking Bad" at minute 26! [Klonusk, YouTube}
- Bright (2017)
- Brimstone (2016)
- Broad Peak - (2022)
The BRUTAL Execution Of The Woman That Shot Lenin 2023 TheFortress
- BRUTAL Execution Of Mussolini's 77 Year Old General, The (2022) [TheUntoldPast, YouTube]
- BRUTAL Execution Of The Woman That Shot Lenin, (2023) [TheFortress, YouTube]
- Buddy Holly Story, The (1978) - interesting, but poor acting.
- Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
- Bug's Life, A (1998)
- Bullets HITTING Bullets in Slow Motion - THE IMPOSSIBLE SHOT (2023) [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
- Butterflies Are Free (1972)
- Cabrini (2024)
- Caddyshack (1980)
- Caddyshack - The Making of (1999)
- Camel Finds Water (2019) - rebuilding an abandoned fishing boat in Canada
- Canary Islands Vacation Travel Guide (2020) [Expedia, YouTube]
- Captain Fantastic (2016) - I loved the funeral pyre scene and song!
- Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
- Casablanca (1942) - old but interesting
- Cat Ballou (1965)
- Camp Leatherneck - National Geographic (2010)
- Casino (1995) - Excellent!
- Capote (2005) - an interesting look at In Cold Blood
- Captain Phillips (2013) - it appeared to be an accurate portrayal of events
- Captive, The (2014)
- Catch 22 (1970) - the book was also fantastic!
- Catch Me if You Can (2002)
- Chariots of Fire (1981)
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) - Depp was great!
- Chasing Ice (2012)
- Che: Part One (2008)
- Che: Part Two (2008) - Seemed less historical than part one...
- Chappaquiddick (2016)
- Chappaquiddick (2019) - Chatter Creek, BC skiing
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
- Charlie Brown Christmas, A (1965)
- Chicken Run (2000)
- China's Competition for Living Space (2021) - a DW documentary
- Christmas Story, A (1983)
- Circle of the Sun (2019?) - in the Arctic on Skis
- City of Joy (1992)
- Civil War, The (1990)
- Cleopatra (1963)
- Clerks (1994) - weird and lude but very intertaining!
- Clerks II (2006) - starts out slow but is still weird, lude and intertaining!
- Click (2006)
- Climbing The World's Tallest Radio Tower (2013) [Fiction Park, YouTube]
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
- Closer look at Padmount Transformers, A (2022) [Bobsdecline - Lineman blogger, YouTube]
- Cloud Atlas (2012) - complex
- Clouds (2020)
- CODA (2021) - however, a little too explicit at times...
- Colorado Mountain Club In-State-Outing to the Grenadiers (1941) - by Carl Blaurock
- Colorado Mountain Club Winter Outing to Aschcroft (1963) - by Carl Blaurock
- Colorado Springs to Denver in 20 Minutes (2023) [Gixxer brah, YouTube]
- Concrete Cowboy (2020)
- Conspirator, The (2010) - a bit slow but good history
- Contact (1997) - A fantastic film with the exception of a very unnecessary sex scene...
- Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes - all four episodes (2019)
- Conversation with Dave & Jason, A - Episdoe 1 (2018)
- Conversation with Dave & Jason, A - Episdoe 2 (2018)
- Conviction (2010)
- Cool Hand Luke (1967)
- Cosmic Scale, The (2021) - well done! [SEA, YouTube]
- Cosmos (2019) - although a little slow at times...
- Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - TV series (1980)
- Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey - TV series (2014)
- Countdown to Zerø (2010) - scary stuff!
- Courier, The (2020)
- Cove, The (2009)
- Cowboys, The (1972) - excellent!
- Craigslist Joe (2012)
- Crash (2004) - pushing the boundries of diversity...
- Crazy Amount of Power Needed to Move World Largest Container Ships, The [sic] (2023) [Fluctus, YouTube]
- Crazy Mass-Giving Mechanism of the Higgs Field Simplified, The (2023) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Crazy Sexy Cancer (2007)
- Crimson Tide (1995)
- Crip Camp - A Disability Revolution (2020)
- Cry in the Dark (1988) middle is a bit long and slow...
- Current War, The (2017)
- Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
- DamNation (2014)
- Dances with Wolves (1990)
- Dancing with the Birds (2019)
- Darkest Hour (2017) - excellent!
- Dark Waters (2019)
- Das Boot (1981)
- Das Boot Documentary (4/6) : Behind the Scenes (2023) [Tactical Wars, YouTube]
- Das Boot Documentary (6/6) : Back to the Boat (2023) [Tactical Wars, YouTube]
- Dave (1993)
- David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet (2020)
- Dawn of Humanity (2015) - NOVA
- Dawn Wall, The (2017)
- Day Without a Mexican, A (2004) - Humerous and informative
- Dead Man Walking (1995)
- Dead Poets Society (1989) - Excellent!
- Deadpool (2016)
- Death From Space - Gamma-Ray Bursts Explained (2016) [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, YouTube]
- Death Sentence (2007)
- Death to 2021 (2021)
- Deer Hunter, The (1978)
- Defiance (2008)
- Deliverance (1972) - Excellent in its day!
- Departed, The (2006) - Complex and bloody
- Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse - cute!
- Die Hard (1988)
- Dirtbag: The Legend of Fred Beckey (2017)
- Dirt, The (2019) - Interesting history about the party clowns in Mötley Crüe
- Dirty Dozen (1967) - a classic!
- Dirty Harry (1971)
- Dish, The (2000)
- District 9 (2009) - Hokey but different!
- Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The - Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007)
- Django Unchained (2012)
- Doctor Dolittle (1967)
- Dolittle (2020)
- Don Juan DeMarco (1994)
- Downfall (2004) - Der Untergang - Excellent bit of Hitler history...
- DOWN TO EARTH | The Earthing Movie 15 min Short Film (2020) - I've always loved going Barefoot!
- Dreamkeeper (2003) - I was fascinated with the Coyotoe and Spider scene!
- Drillbit Taylor (2008) - cute!
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
- Dune (1984) - the book was better...
- Dunkirk (2017)
- Earthlings (2005)
- Earth Over The Next Billion Years (2023) [Cool Worlds, YouTube]
- Easy Rider (1969) - an absolute clasic!
- eBay is FULL of Cheap Hard Drives! What's the Catch? (2022) [Linus Tech Tips, YouTube]
- Echo in the Canyon (2018)
- Edge of the Universe (2008) [Netflix]
- Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
- Edward Abbey: A Voice in the Wilderness (1983)
- Edward a href="abbey.html">Abbey - Discours à Glen Canyon (21 mars 1981) (2020) [Le Partage, YouTube]
- Eiger Sanction (1975)
- El Camino Christmas (2017)- good despite poor acting
- Electromagnetic Spectrum, The (2010) [BestOfScience, YouTube]
- Elephant Man (1980)
- Elf (2003)
- Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Man (2018)
- Elvis (2022)
- Elvis and Nixon (2016)
- Empire of the Sun (1987)
- End Game (2018)
- Endless Summer, The (1966)
- End of a Superpower - The collapse of the Soviet Union, The (2022) - [DW Documentary, YouTube]
- Endurance, The Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expediton (2000)
- Enduring Love (2004)
- Enemy Below (1957) - well done despite it's age
- Engine Rebuild: Briggs and Stratton Mower Rebuild with Narration - Part 1 (2014) [GardenMechanic, YouTube]
- Erin Brockovich (2000)
- E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Escape From Alcatraz (1979)
- Europa (1991) - a bit strange though...
- Europa Report (2013)
- Europe | First Peoples - PBS NOVA (2015)
- Everest (2015) - Excellent!
- Every Component of a Switch Mode Power Supply Explained (2024) [ElectrArc240, YouTube]
- Everything About Grain Bins (Farmers are Geniuses) (2019) [SmarterEveryDay, YouTube]
- Evolve: Eyes, Sex, Size, Skin, Flight, Communication, Guts, Venom, Speed, Jaws, Shape History (2008)
- Ex Machina (2012)
- Exorcist, The (1973) - Shocking in it's day!
- Expedition Happiness (2017) - a little too much "Rudi" but otherwise a fun trip!
- experiment that revealed the atomic world, The: Brownian Motion (2024) [Steve Mould, YouTube]
- Exploring a 1 MILLION Watt FM Tower (2022) [Geerling Engineering, YouTube]
- Extreme Solution US Navy Found to Deal With Enemy Drones, The (2022) [Fluctus, YouTube]
- Fahrenheit 451 (2018)
- Fahrenheit 911 (2004) - My mom saw this on opening day, 06/25/04, and she loved it too!
- Fail-Safe (1964)
- Falcon and the Snowman, The (1985)
- Falling Down (1993)
- Family Man, The (2000)
- Fantastic Voyage - I was very young at the time! (1966)
- Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)
- Fargo (1999)
- Farthest: Voyager in Space, The (2017)
- Fast Runner (2001) - Good look at life up north
- Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (2010) - surprisingly moving!
- Fearless (1993)
- Fences (2016)
- Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles (2019)
- Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
- Field of Dreams (1989)
- Fifth Element, The (1997)
- Fight Club (1999) - Bizzare but good!
- Fire on the Track: The Steve Prefontaine Story (1995)
- First American, The (2016) - Excellent!
- FIRST LOOK! Icom IC-905 SHF Radio at Hamcation 2023 (2023) [Ham Radio 2.0, YouTube]
- First to the Moon (2018)
- Fisher King, The (1991)
- Fisherman's Friend (2019)
- Fission and Fusion (2015) [Teacher's Pet, YouTube]
- Fistful of Dollars, A (1964) - Per un pugno di dollari
- Flags of our Fathers (2006) - excellent!
- Flesh Eaters, The (1964) - Saw it at the Q-Twin drive-in with Franny our sitter!
- Flight (2012) - fantastic upside down flying!
- Flight of the Phoenix, The (1965)
- Fly, The (1958)
- Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (2003)
- Food, Inc. (2008)
- Forbidden Planet 1956 - Krell steel!
- Ford vs Ferrari 2019
- Forgotten Battle, The 2020
- Forks Over Knives (2011)
- For the Love of Spock (2016)
- Founder, The (2016)
- Four Sheets to the Wind (2007)
- Fracture (2007)
- Frankenstein (1931)
- Friday the 13th (1980)
- Free Solo (2018) - Alex Honnold on El Capitan - an extraordinary achievement!
- Free State of Jones (2016)
- French Connection, The (1971)
- From TAR PITS to SYNTHETICS: The Fascinating History of Motor Oil (2024) - Interesting!! [The Motor Oil Geek, YouTube]
- Frosty Affair, A (20015) - poorly done but goofy and fun!
- Full Metal Jacket (1987)
- Full Monty, The (1997)
- Fundamentals of Caring, The (2016)
- Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A (1966)
- Fury (2014) - brutal but excellent!
- Future Computers Will Be Radically Different (2012) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Gabriel and the Mountain (2017
- Galaxy Quest (1999)
- Gallipoli (1981)
- Gandhi (1982)
- Garbage Warrior (2007)
- Gasland (2010)
- Get the Gringo (2012)
- Genius of Einstein: The Science, His Brain, the Man, The (2015) - The World Science Festival, in partnership with the 92Y’s 7 Days of Genius Festival
- George Harrison: Living in the Material World (2011)
- Gerald's Game (2017)
- Get on Up (2014)
- Gettysburg (1993) - Excellent!
- Ghost (1990)
- Ghost Busters (1984)
- Ghosts of Stonehenge (2017)
- Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (2009) - started out a bit slow...
- Girl With the Dragon Tatoo, The (2009)
- Gladiator (2000)
- Glengarry GlenRoss (1992)
- Glory (1989)
- Godfather (1972)
- Golden Compass, The (2007)
- Goldmember, Austin Powers in (2002)
- Gone With the Wind (1939)
- Gone Tomorrow: Ice Climbing in Kentucky (2019)
- GoodFellas (1990) - A gory look at the mob
- Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
- Good Ol' Freda (2013) - Freda Kelly as her time as a secretary for The Beatles.
- Good People (2014)
- Good Shepherd, the (2006)
- Good, the Bad, the Ugly (1966) - a classic!
- Good Will Hunting (1997) - Click Here for Will's NSA Speech...
- Graduate, The (1967)
- Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014)
- Grant (2020) - documentary mini-series
- Grapes of Wrath, The (1940)
- Gravity (2013) - Excellent!
- Great Escape, The (1963)
- Greatest Guitar Solo EVER | Pink Floyd, The (2022) - David Gilmour's solo in the Pink Floyd song, Comfortably Numb [Shred, YouTube]
- Green Book (2018) - well done!
- Green Mile, The (1999)
- Grey, The (2011)
- Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee 2016) - eating feces??
- Grizzly Man (2005) - an interesting look at a very disturbed "naturalist"
- Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
- Groundhog Day (1993)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
- Guns of Navarone, The (1961)
- Ham Radio - The Doublet. An old but good multi-band single dipole antenna. Part 1 (2019) - excellent presentation! [Kevin Loughin, YouTube]
- HAM RADIO: The Doublet Antenna & Ladderline (2020) - excellent presentation! [Tim G5TM, YouTube]
- Hanna (2011)
- Hang 'em High (1968)
- Hard Candy (2005) - Disturbing and uncomfortable to watch but worth it!
- HARDEST GLASS - How Glass Is Made From Sand? Amazing Production & Crafting Processes Made By Glass (2024) [YouCanDo TV, YouTube]
- Harold and Maude (1971)
- Hateful Eight, The (2015) - Bloody wild!
- Heaven Can Wait (1978)
- Hellboy (2004)
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
- Hell or Highwater (2016) - Excellent!
- Help! (1965)
- Help, The (2011)
- Hereafter (2010)
- Hidalgo (2004)
- Hidden Engineering of Landfills, The (2024) [Practical Engineering, YouTube]
- Hidden Figures (2016)
- Hidden Reason Ukraine Is Optimistic about Crimea, The (2022) [William Spaniel, YouTube]
- Hiding Place, The (1975)
- High Plains Drifter (1973)
- Highwaymen, The (2019)
- Hired Gun (2016) - exposing Billy Joel the clown prince!
- Hitchcock (2012)
- HMP: Wakefield (Monster Mansion) - Evil Behind Bars (2022) [BuckleZ, YouTube]
- Hobbit, The: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
- Hold the Dark (2018) - Bloody!
- Hole in the Head, A (1959)
- Holiday, The (2006)
- Home2Home (2022)
- Hornet's Nest, The (2014)
- Horsemen (2009) - Bloody!
- Hors Piste (2019) - humerous skiing animation
- Hot Rock, The (1972) - Afghanistan banana stand!
- Houdini (1953)
- How 3 Phase Power works: why 3 phases? (2024) [The Engineering Mindset, YouTube]
- How 3 Phase Transformers Work - why we need them (2024) - excellent detailed explanation! [The Engineering Mindset, YouTube]
- How a Crystal Radio Works (2012) [RimstarOrg, YouTube]
- How a dragonfly's brain is designed to kill (2018) [TED, YouTube]
- How an Antenna Works and more (2022) [VirtualBrain, YouTube]
- How Corporate Consolidation is Killing Ski Towns (2023) [Wendover Productions, YouTube]
- How did life begin? Abiogenesis. Origin of life from nonliving matter. (2019) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- How Did the First Atom Form? Where did it come from? | Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (2021) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- How Do Antennas Work? (2017) - RCModelReviews
- How do Electron Microscopes Work? Taking Pictures of Atoms (2013) [Branch Electronis, YouTube]
- How Does A Carburetor Work? | Transparent Carburetor at 28,546 fps Slow Mo (2021) - [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- How Does A Sailboat Actually Work? (2012) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- How Does a Toyota Engine with 300,000 Miles Look Like On The Inside? (2023) [The Car Care Nut, YouTube]
- How does Cerenkov radiation work? (2018) [Fermilab, YouTube]
- How Does Childhood Differ Between Traditional Societies and Modern Societies? (2011) - National Academy of Sciences and Jared Diamond
- How does Starlink Satellite Internet Work? (2022) [Branch Education, YouTube]
- How Electricity Actually Works (2022) - Wow!! [Veritasium, YouTube]
- How Far Are The Nearest Stars? (2017) [Cody'sLab, YouTube]
- How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented (2021) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- How James Webb Broke Cosmology In Just 2 Months (2022) [The Secrets of the Universe, YouTube]
- How James Webb Showed The Universe Could Be Twice The Known Age (2023) [The Secrets of the Universe, YouTube]
- How NASA Filmed Apollo, the Shuttle and Other Launches (2018) [Curious Droid, YouTube]
- How Long Would It Take Us To Go To Jupiter? (2022) [Insane Curiosity, YouTube]
- How Long Would It Take Us To Go To Proxima Centauri? (2022) [Insane Curiosity, YouTube]
- How Rockets Are Made (Rocket Factory Tour - United Launch Alliance) (2020) - Fantastic!! [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- How Tall Can A Mountain Become on Earth? (2021) - YouTube
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966) - loved it!
- How the Moscow Attack Reveals Deeper Russian Weakness (2022) [William Spaniel, Youtube]
- How the West Can Exploit Russia's "Dutch Disease" and End the War in Ukraine (2022) [William Spaniel, YouTube]
- How the West Was Won (1962)
- How to fix your lawnmower in 10 MINUTES with a $13 part!! (2019) [Chickanic, YouTube]
- How To Make A Radio Transmitter With Only 2 Components - Great Idea You Haven't Seen Before (2021) [ZAFER YILDIZ, YouTube]
- How to ProPress Copper Fittings (the Good and the Bad) (2019) [Roger Wakefield, YouTube]
- How to recover data from a dead hard drive (for beginners) (2015) [Engineer Knows Best!, YouTube]
- How To Setup The Buddistick Pro and Tune it up! Available NOW! (2021) [Ham Radio Crash Course, YouTube]
- How to Surface a Submarine in the Arctic Ocean (2021) - [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- How US Navy Drops MASSIVE aircraft carrier anchor (2022) [Fluctus, YouTube]
- Huawei RRU3908 1800MHz Base Station Teardown (Part 1 of 2) (2018) [Kaizer Power Electronics, YouTube]
- Huawei RRU3928 1800MHz Base Station Teardown (Part 1 of 2) (2018) [Kaizer Power Electronics, YouTube]
- Hud (1963)
- Hunt For Red October, The (1990)
- Hurt Locker, The (2008)
- Hustler, The (1961)
- I am Sam (2001)
- I Bought KMR-400 Coax From Amazon | How Bad Can It Be? (2022) [Ham Radio Tube, YouTube]
- Ice Age (2002)
- I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore. (2017)
- If A Tree Falls - A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (2011)
- If I Had Wings (2013)
- If I Leave Here Tomorrow: A Film About Lynyrd Skynyrd (2018)
- If I touch this tower, I die (2023) [Geerling Engineering, YouTube]
- If You Don't Understand Quantum Physics, Try This! (2019) [Domain of Science, YouTube]
- I Like Killing Flies (2004)
- "I Loved it… I Loved it All" (1985) by Ned Judge
- Imitation Game, The (2014)
- Inception (2010)
- Inconvenient Truth, An (2006) - It's time to take action!
- Independence Day (1996)
- In-Depth Garmin Inreach Explorer Review - HikingGuy.com (2017) [HikingGuy.com, YouTube]
- India in Motion (2008) 63 Interactive Theatre, Agra, India
- Infinity Chamber (2016)
- In His Image: Delighting in God's Plan for Gender and Sexuality (2021) [In His Image Movie, YouTube]
- In the Name of the Father (1993)
- In Bruges (2008)
- Inside Einstein's Mind: The Enigma of Space and Time (2015)
- Inside Japan's Big Physics | Part one: Super Kamiokande (2020 ) [nature video, YouTube]
- Into the Canyon (2018) - 1,200 km journey on foot
- In Time (2011) - some plot holes though...
- Into the White (2012) - The British characters were surprisingly obnoxious...
- Into the Wild (2007) - not enough wilderness scenes though...
- Invictus (2009)
- I Origins (2014)
- I proved 1,300,000 Earths WON'T fit in the Sun. (2021) [The Science Asylum, YouTube]
- Iron Lady, The (2011)
- Iron Sky (2012) - a comedic science fiction with cultural references - very bizzare yet entertaining!
- Is Having A Start-Stop System Worth It? (2023) - Inefficient to idle beyond 7 seconds... [Engineering Explained, Facebook]
- Is the BuddiStick Pro Really That Good?? (2022) [Ham Radio Tube, YouTube]
- IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE!!! Anyone with an electronics hobby can build this tool. (2023) [ZAFER YILDIZ, YouTube]
- It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)
- IT'S COMING. April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Here's what you need to know -Smarter Every Day 295 (2024) [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
- James Clerk Maxwell - A Sense of Wonder (2015) - Fascinating man! [Short Form Docs, YouTube]
- Jasper, Texas (2003)
- Jaws (1975)
- J. Edgar (2011)
- Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (2020) - all four episodes
- Jeremiah Johnson (1972) - a wonderful classic!
- Jersey Boys (2014)
- Jesus Camp (2006) - scary but interesting!
- Jack Reacher (2012)
- Jim Gaffigan: Comedy Monster (2021)
- Jim Gaffigan: Noble Ape (2018)
- Jobs (2013) - however, they left too much out...
- John Adams (2008)
- John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky (2018)
- Jojo Rabbit (2019)
- Joker (2019) - dark!
- Journey to the Andromeda Galaxy (2022) - This was really, really good! [SEA, YouTube]
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
- Journey to the Earth's Interior, A (2021) [Kosmo, YouTube]
- Journey to Tahiti and French Polynesia (2018) [Fischer Films, YouTube]
- Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
- Jumper (2008) - poor acting but interesting concept!
- Judge, The (2014)
- Jungle (2017)
- Jurassic Park (1993)
- Jurassic Park, The Lost World: (1999)
- K*19 The Widow Maker (2002) - Reliving the Cold War era...
- K2: The Ultimate High (1992) - A great climbing movie!
- K-PAX (2001) - "Every being in the universe knows right from wrong"
- Kanji Ishiwara: The Man Who Triggered the War
- Karl Meltzer: Made to Be Broken (2017)
- Karate Kid (1984)
- Kick Ass (2010) - the 11 year old girl has my vote!
- Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)
- Killing Season (2013)
- Kill or Be Killed (2015)
- Kingdom of the Sky (2018) - 3 parts; Rockies, Himalayas, Andes
- Kelly's Heroes (1970)
- Kingdom of Heaven (2005) - Excellent!
- Kelly's Heroes (1970)
- Kingdom of Heaven (2005) - Excellent!
- King's Speech, The (2010)
- Knowing (2009) - could have been better though...
- Kon-Tiki (1950)
- Kundun (1997) - Tibet
- La Bamba (1987)
- Ladakh Project, The (2019) - Nouria Newman's solo kayak adventure
- La La Land (2016)
- Land of Mine (2015)
- Largest Aircraft Carrier in The World, The (2014)
- Largest Whale to Ever Swim the World's Oceans (2024) by AZ Animals (US)
- Last Call for Titan (2017) - a little too speculative at the end though...
- Last Detail, The (1973)
- Last Duel, The (2021)
- Last of His Tribe, The (1992) - sad...
- Last Man on the Moon, The (2014) - some good history!
- Last Samurai (2003)
- Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988) - Although a bit long it's an interesting twist on an old story...
- Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
- Layer Cake (2004)
- Left STRANDED On Uninhabited Pacific Island In 1704 (2023) [Scary Interesting, YouTube]
- Legends of the Fall (1994)
- Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
- Life, Above All (2010)
- Life as a House (2001)
- Life in Color with David Attenborough (2021)
- Life Itself (2018) - complex, poignant, well done!
- Life of Brian (1979)
- Life of David Gale, The (2003)
- Lincoln (2012) - Excellent!
- Lincoln Lawyer, The (2011)
- Line Across the Sky, A (2015) - great climb!
- Lion (2016)
- Lion in the House, A (2006)
- Little Big Man (1970)
- Little Buddha (1993)
- Lives of Others, The - Das Leben der Anderen (2007)
- LMR400 (2017) [Times Microwave Systems, YouTube]
- Logan (2017) - one tough little girl!
- Logan's Run (1976)
- Lonesome Dove (1989)
- Lone Survivor (2013 - Intense/Excellent!
- Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
- Long Game, The (2023)
- Look Who's Back (2015)
- Lorax, The (2012)
- Lord of the Flies (1963)
- Lord of the Flies (1990)
- Lord of War (2005)
- Lost Battalion, The (2001)
- Lost City of Z, The (2016)
- Love Bug (1968) - Okay, I was very young back then!
- Madame Curie (1943)
- Mad Max (1979)
- Mad Max 2 (1981)
- Magdalene Sisters, The (2002)
- Magic of Belle Isle, The (2012)
- Magnificent Seven, The (1960)
- Magnificent Seven, The (2016)
- Magnolia (1999) - a bit strange...
- Making Apocalypse Now (2021) - 9 Episodes, fantastic!
- Making of Full Metal Jacket, The (2014)
- Malcolm X (1992) - slow start but good history
- Malpelo Island DXpedition - HKØNA (2012)
- MacArthur (1977)
- Man Called Horse, A (1970)
- Man Called Ove, A (2015)
- Manhunt: Unabomer (2017)
- Marathon Man (1976) - pulling teeth!
- March of the Penguins (2005) - Marche de l'empereur
- Mariana Trench - David Attenborough's Documentary on the Deepest Sea Floor (2021) [Living Attractions, YouTube]
- Mars Generation, The (2017)
- Mars in 4k: Thetta ultimate Edition (2023) - incredible images! [ElderFox Documentaries, YouTube]
- M*A*S*H (1970) - yet another classic!
- Mask, The (1994) - flawed but entertaining!
- Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) - Superb!
- Matrix, The (1999) - Well done
- Martian, The (2015)
- Max Planck Biography with Depth and Humor (2020) [Kathy Loves Physics & History, YouTube]
- McLibel (2005) - Big business takes on free speech
- Meanest Man in Texas, The (2017)
- Meaning of Life, The (1983)
- Mechanic, The (1972)
- Medicine Man (1992)
- Memento (2000)
- Meru (2015) - climb on!
- Michael (1996)
- Michael Clayton (2007)
- Michael Faraday: The Father of Electricity (2020) - Interesting!
- Midnight Cowboy (1969)
- Midnight Express (1978)
- Midway (1976) - Excellent bit of history!
- Milk (2008) [we lived near there in '78...]
- Milkweed and its Insects (2010) [Cornell video]
- Million Dollar Baby (2004)
- Mine Disaster UNDER The Ocean, The (2024) [Scary Interesting, YouTube]
- Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2015)
- Miracle Worker, The (1962)
- Mission of Honnor (2018)
- Mission to Mars (2017)
- Molly's Game (1975)
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
- Monumental David Brower's Fight for Wild America (2004)
- Monster (2003) - about serial killer Aileen Wuornos
- Moon 2009
- Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
- Mosquito Coast (1986)
- Most Hated Woman in America, The (2017)
- Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics, The (2023) [Veritasium,YouTube]
- Most Confusing Part of the Power Grid, The (2024) [Practical Engineering, YouTube]
- Most Unknown, The (2018)
- Motorcycle Diaries (2004) - Diarios de motocicleta - (A look at the murderer's earlier life)
- Mountain Life, The (2019)
- Mountain Range That Disappeared and Came Back Again, The (2024) - excellent Rocky Mountain history! [Myron Cook, YouTube]
- Mr. Deeds (2002)
- Murder Ball (2005) - Gives you a lot to think about!
- My Family - Mi Familia (1995)
- My Next Guest with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (2022)
- My Policeman (2022)
- My Side of the Mountain (1969) - not as good as the book though...
- My Scientology Movie (2015)
- mysterious isochronous curve, The (2018) [CuriosityShow, YouTube]
- Mystery of Chaco Canyon, The (199)
- Mystery Of The 9,000 Year Old Hunting Tools Frozen In The Yukon, The (2021) YouTube Odyssey, Ancient History Documentaries
- Mystery of the Russian Woodpecker, The (2019) [Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World, YouTube]
- Mystery Road (2013) - the final shootout was well done and very realistic!
- Mystic Pizza (1988)
- Naked Prey, The (1965)
- Nanook of the North (1922) - a bit staged but very interesting/historical
- Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat (2022)
- NASA Scientists' Stunning Discoveries on Planet Mercury | MESSENGER Images Part 1 (2022) [Astrom, YouTube]
- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
- Natural Born Killers (1994) - I just liked it!
- Negotiations With Death | What Makes Anton Chigurh So Terrifying (2022) - excellent analysis! [Soder, YouTube]
- Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The Three-Body Problem (2024) [StarTalk, YouTube]
- Never Cry Wolf (1983)
- Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary (2019)
- News of the World (2020)
- New Territory - Carlos Mencia (2011)
- Newton’s three-body problem explained - Fabio Pacucci (2020) [Math of the impossible, YouTube]
- Next Three Days, The - Very Suspenseful (2010)
- Nicky's Family (2011)
- Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World (2017)
- Noah (2014) - a little strange at times...
- Nobody Knows What TIME Really Is. But it might be this... (2021) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- No Country for Old Men 2007) - Gory but darn interesting!
- No Impact Man (2009)
- Nomadland (2020)
- Non-Stop (2014)
- Norma Rae (1979)
- North Face (2008) [Nordwand original title]
- November Man (2014)
- Nowhere Boy (2009)
- Nyad (2023) - a little too long in some parts though...
- Oasis (2017)
- Oasis: Supersonice (2016) - two drugged/drunk dopes make it big
- Occupy Unmasked (2012)
- Office Space (1999) - We've all been there...
- Of Gods and Men (2010)
- Of Mice and Men (1992)
- Oh, God! (1977)
- Omega Man, The (1971)
- On Any Sunday (1971)
- Once (2007) - nice song!
- Once Around (1991) - started out slow/bad but ended sad/well...
- Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) - C'era una volta il West
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
- One of Us (2017) - New York's Hasidic community
- One, the Movie (2005) - (Okay, I got to Interview the filmmaker!)
- Only The Brave (2017) - The story of the Yarnell Hill Fire
- Only The Essential - A Hike from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail (2014)
- On the Beach (1959)
- Opening the Earth: The Potato King (2019?) - Julio Hancco is a guardian of biodiversity
- Open Range (2003)
- Open Water (2003)
- Operation Finale (2018)
- Oppenheimer (2023) a little slow at times plus not enough science!
- Orbiter 9 [Original title; Órbita 9] (2017) a twist on reality!
- Ordinary Angels (2024)
- origin of Electromagnetic waves, and why they behave as they do, The (2023) [ScienceClic English, YouTube]
- Origin of Life, Arrival David Attenborough (BBC Documentary)
- Origins: How Life Began Neil deGrasse Tyson (PBS Documentary, 2004)
- Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth (2016)
- Orphanage, The (2007) El orfanato
- Osama (2003) - a good look at Taliban cruetly.
- Other One, The: The Long, Strange Trip of Bob Weir (2014)
- Our Souls at Night (2017) - Great story but poor acting by Redford...
- Outland (1981)
- Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976)
- OWON HDS2202S 200 MHz 3-in-1 Handheld Oscilloscope Review/Teardown (2023) - well done! [Kerry Wong, YouTube]
- Pain and Glory (2019) - Dolor y gloria
- Paint Your Wagon (1969)
- Pandorum (2009) - Not well done but an interesting concept
- Paperboy, The (2012)
- Paper Moon (1973) - An excellent classic!
- Papillon (1973)
- Papillon (2017)
- Particle Fever (2013) - Fantastic!
- Pathfinder (2007) - an intriguing idea
- Patton (1970) - Wow!
- Peaceful Warrior (2006)
- People said this experiment was impossible, so I tried it (2024) - A video about thermite [Varitasium, YouTube]
- Pedal the World (2015) - innocent, fun, and interesting!
- People Like Us (2012)
- Perfect Storm, The (2000) - I saw it while staying at the beach!
- Perfect Day, A (2015)
- Pet (2016)
- Peter Pan (1955)
- Peter Pan (2003) - I saw this version of the old clasic while on a flight to Tokyo and loved it, especially the "devilish" little Tinker Bell character!
- Photographer of Mauthausen, The (2018) - Original title: El fotógrafo de Mauthausen
- Photosynthesis (in detail) (2018) [Beverly Biology, YouTube]
- Physics of Sailing | KQED QUEST, The (2023) [KQED, YouTube]
- Picture of the Mily Way's Supermassive Black Hole, A (2022) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Pink Floyd: The Making of the Dark Side of the Moon (2003)
- Pink Floyd - The Story of "Wish You Were Here" (2011)
- Pink Floyd the Wall (1982)
- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - fun!
- Everything About Irrigation Pivots (Farmers are Geniuses) (2022) [SmarterEveryDay, YouTube]
- Planck scale: Is there a fundamental limit to space and time?, The (2020) [Physics Explained, YouTube}
- Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
- Planet Earth 100 Million Years In The Future - What will happen to our world? (2014)
- Planet of the Apemen Battle for Earth 1 of 2 Homo Erectus (2011) - BBC
- Planet of the Apemen Battle for Earth 2 of 2 Neanderthal (20122 - BBC
- Planet of the Apes (1968) - It was great when it first came out!
- Platform, The (2019) - Wierd and brutal.
- Platoon (1986) - War is Hell...
- Play Misty for Me (1971)
- Poisoning Paradise (2016)
- Pop Aye (2017)
- Porter, The (2020) - Injustices on Mount Everest
- Poseidon Adventure, The (1972)
- Postman, The (1997)
- Powder (1995)
- Power of the Dog, The (2021)
- Predator (1987)
- Predestination (2015)
- Prefontaine (1997)
- Primal Fear (1986)
- Problem With Wind Energy, The (2024) [Real Engineering, YouTube]
- Producers, The (1968) - Also saw the play while in London
- Prometheus (2012)
- Prospect (2018)
- Psycho (1960)
- Pulp Fiction (1994)
- Quantum Biology: The Hidden Nature of Nature (2015)
- Quest for Fire (1981)
- Quigley Down Under (1990) - Custom 13.5 pound (6 kg), single-shot, 1874 Sharps Rifle, with a 34-inch (860 mm) barrel
- Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) - Excellent behind-the-scenes stuff on the DVD as well!
- Radical Reels - Before it was combined with Banff, in 2018, I had been to many showings in Colorado
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
- Rain Man (1988)
- Rarest Element on Earth, The (2019) [Atlas Pro, YouTube}
- Reagan (2024) - interesting history, touching ending
- REAL Movement of Earth Through the Galaxy, The (2023) [Space Matters, YouTube]
- REAL Source of Gravity Might SURPRISE you..., The (2020) [The Science Asylum, YouTube]
- Real Steel (2011)
- Real Wierd Way We See Numbers, The (2025) [Be Smart by Joe Hanson, Facebook Reels]
- Reason To Stop Worrying, A - Watch This Whenever You're Stressed Or Anxious (2021) [Pursuit of Wonder, YouTube]
- Recruit, The (2003)
- Red Planet (2000) - AMEE was sure interesting!
- Reel Rock 14: The High Road (2019) - Nina Williams bouldering
- Religulous (2008)
- ReMastered: Tricky Dick and the Man in Black (2018)
- Remember (2015) - nice twist at the end!
- Rendition (2007)
- Requiem for a Dream - Wild!
- Rescue Dawn (2007) - slow in some parts...
- Restrepo (2010)
- Resurrection (1980)
- Return to Earth (2019) - great mountain biking!
- Return to Space (2022) - Elon Musk and SpaceX!
- Revealing the Mysterious World Inside Protons (2022) [Science Discussed, YouTube]
- Revenant, The (2015) - Intense!
- Richard Jewell (2019) - Media was very unfair to Richard
- Right Stuff, The (1983)
- Rio Grande (1950)
- River Runs Through It, A (1992)
- River Runners of the Grand Canyon (1995)
- Road, The (2009)
- Road House (1989) - I saw the 2024 remake first and it wasn't as good as this one!
- Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)
- Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1975)
- Rollerball (1975)
- Rolling Stones, The - Olé, Olé, Olé!: A Trip Across Latin America
- Romance of Radium (1937)
- Rommel (2017) - very good!
- Roots (1977)
- Run Lola Run (1998) - I'll be buying the DVD!!
- Running Pastor, The (2019) - Sverri is a local Pastor and runner
- Russia Cosmonauts finally realized why SpaceX Dragon is better than Soyuz after DAMAGED (2023) [ALPHA TECH, YouTube]
- Russian Woodpecker, The (2019) [Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World, YouTube]
- Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier: Just a GIANT MISSILE TRUCK? (2022) [19FortyFive: Military, Defense and War News, YouTube]
- Sackets, The (1979)
- Safe Haven (2018) - Memphis climbing gym
- Sailing Faster Than The Wind - How Is That Even Possible? (2021) [Steve Mould, YouTube]
- Salyut-7 (2017) - Салют⋅7 Suprisingly well made!
- Sand Pebbles (1966)
- Saturn V Story, The (2014) - fascinating!
- Saving Private Ryan (1998)
- Saving Ryan's Privates (1998)
- Scarecrow (1973) - Joey the Banana King!
- scariest thing you learn in Electrical Engineering | The Smith Chart, The (2023) [Zach Star, YouTube]
- School of Rock, The (2003) - fun!
- Schindler's List (1993)
- Sea Inside, The (2004) (Mar adentro) - Interesting euthanasia question...
- Sea of Trees, The (2015)
- Search for Life in Space, The (2016)
- Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
- Seaspiracy (2021) - we're killing the oceans...
- Secret Life of Cruise, The (2018) - Fascinating!!
- Secret Life of Pets, The (2016)
- Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb (2020)
- Sessions, The (2012) - surprisingly moving!
- Seeparation, A (2011)
- See Through Engine - 4K Slow Motion Visible Combustion ( S1 • E1 ) (2017) [Warped Perception, YouTube]
- Selena (1997)
- Sense of an Ending, TheA (2017)
- Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The (2007)
- Seven Years in Tibet (1997) - I was able to visit the town of Uspallata, in Argentina, where Brad Pitt was filmed for this one!
- Sex Changes That Made History, The (2015)
- Shaun of the Dead (2004) - British humor at its best!
- Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
- Shelby American: The Carroll Shelby Story (2019)
- Shimmer Lake (2017) - fascinating concept!
- Shinning, The (1980)
- Showgun (1980)
- Sicko (2007) - Fun, Sad and Amazing!
- Singin' in the Rain (1952)
- Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea (2007) - Original title: Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic
- Silence (2016)
- Silence of the Lambs (1991)
- Sixth Sense, The (1999)
- Skin of the Wolf, The (2017) - Original title; Bajo la piel de lobo
- Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) - fun but also sad...
- Sleepers (1996)
- Sling Blade (1996)
- Sly (2023) - although I was never wild about his movies this was an interesting bit of history
- Small Crimes (2017) - surprisingly bloody...
- Smoke Signals (1998) - an excellent Native American film!
- Social Dilemma, The (2020) - scary!
- Social Network (2010)
- Some Freaks (2016)
- Something Strange Happens When You Trust Quantum Mechanics (2025) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Something weird happens when you keep squeezing (2023) [Vox, YouTube]
- Son of Flubber (1963)
- Soul Surfer (2011)
- Sound of Music (1965)
- South Pacific (1958)
- Soylent Green (1973)
- Space Cowboys (2000)
- Space DOES NOT Expand Everywhere (2022) [PBS Space TIme, YouTube]
- Sparks Brothers, The (2021) - Talent is an Asset!
- Spartacus (1960)
- Spectre Expedition - Mission Antarctica (2019) - snow kites and mountain climbing
- Spitfire (2018) - an excellent historical piece!
- Spy Who Shagged Me, The (1999)
- Stand by Me (1986)
- Starman (1984) - I loved it!
- Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story (2018)
- Startling Reason Entropy & Time Only Go One Way!, The (2023) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Star Wars (1977, 1980, 1983) - The first two or three were great!
- Stephen Jay Gould interview on Evolution (2014) [Prometheus Unchained, YouTube]
- Sticky Notes (2016)
- Sting, The (1973)
- Stone (2017)
- Story of Queen, The: Mercury Rising (2011)
- Stoway (2021) - weak plot and acting but a fantastic rotational ship idea!!
- Strange Name Movie, The (2017)
- STROMATOLITES: Discovering the Oldest Fossils on Earth (2023) [3D Epix Inc., YouTube]
- Structure of DNA, The (2015) [MITx Bio, YouTube]
- St. Vincent (2014)
- Supersize Me (2004) - A good warning for all of us
- Surfer Dan (2018) - surfing on the Great Lakes in winter...
- Surfwise (2007) - unnecessarily crude language but an interesting curmudgeon...
- Surprising Secret of Synchronization, The (2022) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Survivalist, The (2015)
- Suspect Zero (2004)
- Sweet Home Alabama (2002) - "... So I can kiss you anytime I want!"
- Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
- Sybil (1976)
- Syriana (2005) - Good but complex
- Take Me Home: The John Denver Story (2000)
- Taken (2008)
- Teardown of Kathrein 1800/900 MHz Antenna For Mobile Phone Base Station (2021) [Kaizer Power Electronics, YouTube]
- Temple Grandin (2010)
- Ten Commandments, The (1956)
- Terminator, The (1984)
- Tesla (2016)
- Tesla Road Trip (2017) - Season 1, all 7 episodes - way to short on technical info though...
- Texas Chainsaw Masacre (1974) - I saw it when it first came out and loved it!
- That Thing You Do! (1996) - cute!
- Thelma & Louise (1991) - great!
- Theory of Everything, The (2014)
- There Will Be Blood (2007)
- They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969)
- Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) - Excellent!
- This is NOT how you make Artificial Gravity (2021) [The Con Hathy Channel, YouTube]
- Three Perplexing Physics Problems (2023) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Three Wives, One Husband (2017)
- THX 1138 (1971)
- Thing, The (1982)
- This is Your Brain and Body When... (2017) Tech Insider, Season 1, 9 episode
- This TWILIGHT ZONE EPISODE was BANNED For 50+ YEARS (2023) [DoYouRemember, YouTube]
- Three Days of the Condor (1975)
- Tim Burton: Inside The Twisted Mind Of The Eccentric Filmmaker (2019)
- Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time (2019)
- Time Machine, The (1960)
- Time Riders (1991)
- Time to Kill, A (1996)
- Titanic (1997)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
- Too Young the Hero (1988)
- Top 4 Police Chases That Ended In Fatality (2024) [Corner Office, YouTube]
- Top 7 Winter Camping Mistakes & How to Sleep Warm! | Essential Tips for Comfy Nights (2023) [Matti & Stina - JOKKMOKKGUIDERNA, YouTube]
- Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
- Touching the Void (2003) - A realistic climbing movie
- Town Like Alice, A (1956)
- To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995)
- Toy Story (1995)
- Trading Places (1983)
- Traffic (2000)
- Trainspotting (1996)
- Transcendence (2014)
- Transistorized! (1999)
- Trashed (2007)
- Travelin' Band: Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall (2022)
- Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
- Tremors (1990)
- Trinity and Sartana are Coming (1972)
- Trip to the Moon, A (1902) - [ Original title: Le voyage dans la lune] historical!
- True Grit (1969)
- True Grit (2010)
- Tsunami: Caught on Camera - tragic
- Tuning the Buddistick Pro | Buddipole Ham Radio Antenna (2021) [Ham Radio 2.0, YouTube
- Tuskegee Airmen (1995)
- Twelve Monkeys (1995) - releasing the germ...
- Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
- Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970) Dos mulas para la hermana Sara
- U 571 (2000)
- Una (2016)
- Unabomber - In His Own Words (2018)
- Unbroken (2014)
- Uncle Buck (1989)
- Understanding HF Propagation (2020) - RSGB, Steve Nichols, GØKYA
- Unfaithful (2002)
- Unforgivable, The (2021) - well done!
- Universe: Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos (2006)
- Unsinkable Molly Brown, The (1964)
- Untamed Romania (2018)
- USA vs. China aircraft carriers (2024) [DailyMotion]
- US Testing Its Monstrously Powerful $500 Million Rail Gun (2022)
- US vs German Pliers (WIRE CUTTERS)? Knipex vs Snap On, Irwin, Milwaukee, DeWalt, Craftsman, Wiha (2021) - [Project Farm, YouTube]
- U.S. vs. John Lennon, The (2006)
- Val (1993) - he certainly led an interesting life!
- Valdez Is Coming (1971)
- Valkyrie (2008) - interesting historical detail
- Vanishing of the Bees (2009)
- Vertigo 2005: Live from Chicago (2005) - some songs not so good...
- Victoria and Abdul (2017) - both cute and sad
- Vincent Van Gogh: A Stroke of Genius - (1997) Biography Channel
- Viruses: Molecular Hijackers (2017) [Professor Dave Explains, YouTube]
- Vladimir Pozner: How the United States Created Vladimir Putin (2018) [YaleUniversity, YouTube]
- Voyager 1 Terrifying New Discovery After 45-year In Interstellar Space (2022) [The Space Wind, YouTube]
- Voyager Just Entered Deep Space & Sent Back This Terrifying Message To Scientists! (2022) [Future Unity, YouTube]
- Voyager Spacecraft's Terrifying New Signals Unlike Anything Ever Seen (2022) [Factnomenal, YouTube]
- Waco: American Apocalypse (2023)
- Waitress (2007)
- Waiting for 'Superman' (2010)
- Walk Among the Tombstones, A (2014)
- Walking Out (2017)
- Walk the Line (2005)
- Wall Street (1987)
- Warcraft: The Beginning (2016)
- WarGames (1983) - dated but good
- War of the Worlds (1953) - The 2005 version was not very good...
- Warriors, The (1979)
- Wasp Network (2019)
- Was The Universe Born From Nothing? (2022) [History of the Universe, YouTube]
- Water (2005)
- Weather Underground (2002)
- We're Off to See the Munchkins (1993) - Nice!
- We Were Soldiers (2002)
- Whale Rider (2002)
- What ARE electronic orbitals? (2023) [Three Twentysix, YouTube]
- What Are Neutrinos? | How The Universe Works (2021) [Discovery UK, YouTube]
- What Can You Do If a Mob Surrounds Your Car? (2023) - excellent advice on protecting yourself from Antifa and other thugs [Washington Gun Law, YouTube]
- What Caused the Big Bang? (2019) - a bit complex... [PBS Space Time, YouTube]
- What Happens When a Submarine Implodes (2023) [Not What You Think, YouTube]
- What Ibuprofen Does to the Body (2021) [Institute of Human Anatomy, YouTube]
- What If Our Everyday Life Was Quantum Mechanical? (2022) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- What if we could see Spacetime? An immersive experience (2024) [ScienceClic English, YouTube]
- What If You Could See Every Wavelength Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum? (2019) [Joe Scott, YouTube]
- What If You Met All Your Ancestors from 385 Million Years Back? (2021) [Ridddle, YouTube]
- What If Physics IS NOT Describing Reality? (2022) [PBS Space Time, YouTube]
- What If You Spent 5 Seconds on Venus? (2023) [What if, YouTube]
- What is driving particle physics? (2023) [fermilab, YouTube]
- What is Space? - The Fabric of the Cosmos NOVA (2011)
- What is the Celestial Origin of All the Atoms in the Universe? (2021) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- What is the Electro Magnetic Spectrum? (2013) [MonkeySee, YouTube]
- What is the Ultraviolet Catastrophe? (2020) - Max Planck's solution! [Physics Explained, YouTube]
- What Lies Beyond the Boundaries of the Milky Way? (2020)[Kosmo, YouTube]
- What Lies Beyond the Boundaries of the Milky Way? The Intergalactic Medium (2021) [Kosmos, YouTube]
- What Life In a Lunar Colony Will Be Like (2022) [The Space Race, YouTube]
- What Really is Everything? [History of the Universe, YouTube] (2021)
- What's inside my broken hard drive? HDD teardown (2018) [River's Educational Channel, YouTube]
- What's with the Spirals on German Aircraft? (2023) [Premier History, YouTube]
- What they NEVER told you about the B0DIES after the EX3CUTIONS in Nuremberg (2023) [Military History, YouTube]
- What Uses Less Gas - Coasting Or Engine Braking? (2017) [Engineering Explained, YouTube]
- What Was the Earth Like 1 Billion Years Ago? (2022)
[History of the Earth, YouTube]
- What Was the Earth Like before the Age of Dinosaurs? (2021) [Kosmo, YouTube]
- What would we see at the speed of light? (2023) [ScienceClic English, YouTube]
- When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met - Human evolution from 60,000 - 30,000 years ago (2015) [Allan Wilson Centre, YouTube]
- When You're Strange (2009) - A Film About The Doors
- Where Did Viruses Come From? (2018) [PBS Eons, YouTube]
- Where Does Grounded Electricity Actually Go? (2023) [Practical Engineering, YouTube}
- Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) - started out slow but ended up with a very moving ending!
- Where The FCC Tracks & Locates ANY Radio Signal (2023) [Ringway Manchester, YouTube]
- White Bird (2023) - sad but done well
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
- Who Killed America's Biggest Gadget? (2012)
- Why 80% of Americans live east of this line (2022) [RealLifeLore, YouTube]
- Why is All Life Carbon, Not Silucon? Three Starling Reasons! (2023) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why Are Cooling Towers Shaped Like That? (20240 [Practical Engineering, YouTube]
- Why Are Rails Shaped Like That? (2023) [Practical Engineering, YouTube]
- Why Are there Holes in the James Webb Sunshield? (Explained by My Dad) (2022) - [Smarter Every Day, YouTube]
- Why can't you go faster than light? (2017) [Fermilab, YouTube]
- Why Didn't Germans Just Go Around the Berlin Wall? (2016) by William C. Fox
- Why Did Time Start Going Forward? (2021) [History of the Universe, YouTube]
- Why did ww2 soldiers not wear chin straps? M1 helmet (2022) [At Ease, Soldier!, YouTube]
- Why Do All The Planets Orbit In The Same Plane? (2022) [Insane Curiosity, YouTube]
- Why do atoms form molecules? The quantum physics of chemical bonds explained (2020) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why Do Bees Die After Stinging? (2022) [Be Amazed, YouTube]
- Why Does Everything Decay Into Lead (2024) [SciShow, YouTube]
- Why Does Light Exist? What Is Its Purpose? (2024) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why don't photons fly apart in the nucleus of atoms? RESIDUAL Strong Force Explained (2022) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why Gravity is Not a Force (2020) [Veritasium, YouTube] channel
- Why haven’t we found aliens? A physicist shares the most popular theories. | Brian Cox (2023) [Big Think, YouTube]
- Why is Coax 50 Ohms? (2020) [David Casler, YouTube]
- Why isn't the speed of light infinite? What if it were? (2021) [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why is the speed of light what it is? Maxwell equations visualized (2020) - the best explanation I've encountered so far! [Arvin Ash, YouTube]
- Why MONSTER WAVES Can't Sink US Navy's LARGEST Aircraft Carriers During Rough Seas (2023) [NAVY Productions, YouTube]
- Why New York's Billionaire's Row Is Half Empty (2021) [The B1M, YouTube]
- Why No One Has Measured The Speed Of Light (2020) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Why There's a CIA Base in the Center of Australia (2022) [RealLifeLore, YouTube]
- Why the Second Amendment? ... by Newt Gingrich (2016)
- Why Were US Aircraft Silver? (2023) [Premier History, YouTube]
- Why would anyone still want a 30-06? (2023) [Ron Spomer Outdoors, YouTube]
- Wild Bill (1995)
- Wild Horse Redemption, The (2008)
- Wild Horse Wild Ride (2011)
- Wildlike (2014)
- Wild Wild Country (2018) - Osho
- Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
- Wind River (2017) - wow!
- Witch, The: A New-England Folktale (2015)
- Without Limits (1998) - I really enjoyed the time splits and race stats!
- Witness (1985) - I didn't see it until 38 years later but still enjoyed it!
- Wizard of Oz (1939) - I've seen it dozens of times!
- Wolf of Wall Street, The (2013)
- Wolf's Call, The (2019) Le chant du loup
- Wonderful Life, It's A (1946)
- Woodsman, The (2004) - Intense
- World's Fastest Indian, The (2005)
- World's Toughest Fixes: Nuclear Turbine (2008) - Nation Geographic
- Wow Signal (2017) - a good, balanced presentation
- Wrath of Man (2021) - the ending could have been a little stronger
- Yellow Submarine (1968)
- Yesterday (2019) - cute!
- You can't explain prisms without understanding springs | Optics puzzles part 3 (2023) [3Blue1Brown, YouTube]
- Young Frankenstein (1974)
- Your Body's Molecular Machines (2018) [Veritasium, YouTube]
- Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) cute!
- Zero Dark Thirty (2013) - Jessica Chastain's role was a bit overblown...
- Zion (2018) - Zion Shaver the wrestler
- Zombieland (2009)
- Zookeper's Wife, The (2017)
- Zulu (1964)
- Zulu Dawn (1979)
- ZZ Top: That Little Ol' Band from Texas (2019)