Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM


Buffoons, Bad Guys (and gals), Corrupt Institutions, and Bankrupt Ideologies
  (My page about the Cretins, Creeps, Crooks, and Criminals who've done more harm than good...)

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
Billie Joe Armstrong
Billie Joe Armstrong
Alvin Bragg
Alvin Bragg
Joe Biden
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow
John Hickenlooper
John Hickenlooper
Diana DeGetter
Diana DeGette
Megan Rapinoe - 2019
Megan Rapinoe
Colin Kaepernick
Colin Kaepernick
Hillary Clinton
Christine Margaret Blasey Ford - 2018
Christine Margaret Blasey Ford
Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
Chuck Schumer
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi
Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom
Kyle Clark
Kyle Clark
Robert De Niro
Robert De Niro
Che Guevera (Ernesto Lynch)
Che Guevera (Ernesto Lynch)
Peter Fonda
Peter Fonda
Stephen King
Stephen King


Miscreants, Malcontents, and Marxists:

  1. AARP
  2. ACLU
  3. Acosta
  4. Alinsky
  5. Amazon
  6. Anderson
  7. Antifa
  8. Apple
  9. Assange
  10. Armstrong
  11. Ayers
  12. Beck
  13. Bergdahl (Junior)
  14. Bergdahl (Senior)
  15. Biden
  16. BLM
  17. Bragg
  18. Brennan
  19. Bundy
  20. Caplis
  21. Castro
  22. Carriles
  23. Che
  24. Clark
  25. Clinton (Bill)
  26. Clinton (Hillary)
  27. Coke
  28. Colorado Civil Rights Commision
  1. Comey
  2. Connolly
  3. Cooper
  4. Cortez
  5. Cosby
  6. Coulter
  7. Davis
  8. Davis
  9. DeGette
  10. DeLay
  11. Dobson
  12. Dohrn
  13. Facebook
  14. Falwell
  15. Feinstein
  16. Fonda (Jane)
  17. Fonda (Peter)
  18. Ford
  19. Google
  20. government employee unions
  21. Griffin
  22. Grande
  23. Guggenheim Museum
  24. Hancock
  25. Hannity
  26. Harris
  27. Hill
  28. Hilltop Youth
  1. Hickenlooper
  2. Hinn
  3. Holder
  4. Hoover
  5. Jackson
  6. Jobs
  7. Kaepernick
  8. Kennedy (JFK)
  9. Kennedy (Ted)
  10. King
  11. Lamb
  12. Lerner
  13. Long
  14. Lynch
  15. Maddow
  16. Maher
  17. Manning
  18. MLB
  19. MLS
  20. Moore
  21. Morgan
  22. Mugabe
  23. Mumia
  24. Neeson
  25. Netanyahu
  26. New York Times
  27. NFL
  28. Nike
  1. Newsom
  2. Nobel
  3. Peace
  4. Prize
  5. Obama
  6. Oughton
  7. Palin
  8. Pelosi
  9. Peña
  10. People For The American Way
  11. Phelps
  12. Pinochet
  13. Polanski
  14. Polis
  15. Pombo
  16. Prager
  17. Putin
  18. Ramos
  19. Reagan
  20. Reid
  21. Repinoe
  22. Rice
  23. Right Wing Watch
  24. Robertson
  25. Robertson
  26. Romer
  27. Rove
  28. Rumsfeld
  1. Savage
  2. Schiff
  3. Schumer
  4. Shakur
  5. Sharon
  6. Sharpton
  7. Simpson
  8. Snopes
  9. Snowden
  10. Springsteen
  11. Southern Poverty Law Center
  12. Starr
  13. Stephanopoulos
  14. Teachers Unions
  15. Trump
  16. Twitter
  17. USCOC
  18. Warren
  19. Waters
  20. Weiner
  21. Williams
  22. Wilson
  23. Wright
  24. YouTube
  25. 10/40 Window thugs
Read their descriptions below!



Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my page on Bad Business...




Villains, Bunglers, Charlatans, and Incompetents:

Edward Joseph Snowden Okay, some are much worse than others. Some intend harm while others "only" inflict damage because they believe they're actually doing the right thing for their wealthy friends, family, church, or union buddies. Joe Biden, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jim Bakker, Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein, Jimmy Swaggart, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, and Kamala Harris might fall into the latter while Hitler, Milosevic, Pinochet, Posada, Putin, Saddam, and Sharon, certainly fall into the former...

The problem is that a host of other draft-dodgers, blowhards, crooks, killers, fruitcakes, marxists, and liars have gotten away with too much. They've been worshiped and honored by segments of our society despite the damage they've intentionally inflicted on innocent, decent people, our way of life, freedoms, belief systems, and the natural environment. So, I hope to use this page as my contribution to setting the record straight. I'm not going to waste time on the really obvious monsters, like the aforementioned Hitler or Saddam, since most of the world is in agreement even though some still honor their likes.

Nope, the folks I hope to "recognize" here are the ones who, by design, have intentionally committed wrongs yet were able to mobilize enough support to cover their tracks or otherwise leave a more favorable impression than they deserve. History, people, and the future deserve better - crooks, tyrants, and criminals need to know that the rest of us are not only watching, but making plans to take action.

- Roger J. Wendell
On a Related Note: From the early 1970s, until now (the second decade of the second millennium), I regularly monitored all kinds of news in addition to listening to a lot of talk radio and monitoring internet blogs. Whether at my office, driving to work, or even repairing my car, I've always enjoyed listening (and reading) about alternative viewpoints and philosophies. And, I haven't restricted myself to just any one political persuasion or genre either - I've enjoyed hearing from both ends of the political spectrum and everything in-between. However, as time has moved on it's become increasingly evident that there's less and less objectivity on the channels and blogs than ever before. The dishonesty and misrepresentations have become so extreme that I can no longer rely on conservatives, liberals, or anyone else in the media for an objective, balanced, fair or accurate representation of the facts. Their reporting, interviewing, and talk show monologues have become nothing more than propaganda pieces for one political ideal or another.

So, after having listened to them all (Beck, Boortz, Colmes, Flanders, Goodman, Hannity, Hartman, Hightower, Lavin, Limbaugh, Maddow, Savage, Schultz, Rosen, and a bunch of locals you've probably never even heard of), and even corresponding, meeting personally with, or holding private telephone conversations with a bunch of them (to conduct business, etc.) I've concluded that they're generally no more capable of assessing a political, economic, environmental, or military situation better than you or me. And, as I've mentioned above, many continue distorting the facts in support of their own political agenda or that of their employer. Because of the media's profound influence on our society the aforementioned propagandists get special attention on this page since I don't have a national newspaper or radio show to challenge them with. They, along with their cousins holding political office, need to be challenged by the owners of this country - we the people.

- Roger J. Wendell
July 2014


"Honest journalism died and was buried in this country long ago."
- Roger J. Wendell, COVID 2020

"The job of a citizen is to keep his mouth open."
 - Günther Grass, Novelist and Nobel Prize winner




Ken Starr

Ken Starr "Yet the outrageously monstrous Ken Starr (about whom longtime Manhattan district attorney Robert Morgenthau said, 'He violated every [prosecutorial] rule in the book') conducted, with federal authorization and funding no less, a seven-year, $70 million investigation of Bill Clinton's involvement in a small and losing real estate venture (Whitewater) in Arkansas fifteen years before his presidency, and finding nothing, decided to investigate Clinton's private and consensual sexual life. In the process, Starr almost destroyed the Clinton presidency, substantially incapacitated the executive branch of government, and made America a laughingstock around the world."

- Vincent Bugliosi in his book,
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, p. 29


Federico F. Peña

Federico Peña Former U.S. Secretary of Energy, former U.S. Secretary of Transportation, and Democrat Mayor of Denver from 1983 to 1991.

Peña is a special case for me as I had the displeasure of sitting next to him during one of the Army Corps of Engineers' Two Forks Dam hearings while he was mayor of Denver. At the time, I represented the environmental organization Wilderness Defense! and was working hard, with many others, to prevent the construction of the huge (and unnecessary) Two Forks Dam near Denver. Although we were eventually successful in preventing construction of the project, Peña sat next to me in his expensive suit and fancy cowboy boots pleading with the Corps to move forward with the project. Never once did the Democrats, the party of "Environmentalists," hold Peña accountable for his anti-environmental position. Heck, not only did they reward him with appointments as Secretary of Energy and Secretary of Transportation, they even named a short stretch of freeway after him for Denver's new airport!

In later years (October 27, 2015 at 08:20 am to be exact!) Peña also worked against the environment by criticizing anyone who was interested in controlling our borders and overpopulation problem. It was on that date, in a recorded interview on KGNU, that Peña said that presidential candidates speaking out against the illegal aliens flooding our country were, "anti-immigrant," and "anti-Hispanic." This from a Democrat who claims to have concerns about our country and its environment!





Kaepernick and Reid Anti-American - 09-18-2016 In this photo San Francisco 49ers' Colin Kaepernick (7) and Eric Reid (35), refusing to stand respectfully, knelt during our national anthem before an NFL football game against the Carolina Panthers in Charlotte, North Carolina. The National Football League, of course, didn't have the courage to rein in these two players (employees) for fear that the flow of money into the games would be upset.




Quick Quotes:

Here are some additional quotes that helped people
win a permanent position here on my Bad Guys page:




Quick List:
These are names and organizations that I haven't had time to either make a full entry
for, or add their quotes, but are certainly deserving of a place in the bad guys queue!

  1. Stephen King, a long-time leftist flake who constantly disparages conservatives. About a dozen hours after the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt on President Donal J. Trump, King wrote a complaint on X.com about the weapon used in the attempt - no condolences, no concern for those injured/killed in the incident, and no concern for our country. Typical of Stephen King.
  2. Alvin Bragg was the New York County District Attorney covering Manhattan. He was incompetent, dishonest, and soft on crime. On January 4, 2022, after just three days in office, he announced that his office would no longer prosecute offenses such as resisting arrest and to seek lesser charges for burglaries and store robberies. New York City voters were big losers on this one!
  3. Billie Joe Armstrong wrote a autobiographical piece, American Idiot that he continues to prove true. In front of a large June, 2022 London concert crowd Billie said, "F... America, I'm f...ing renouncing my citizenship." Unfortunately this loser/coward will continue hanging out in America despite his theatrics.
  4. Jane's Revenge is an American terrorist group that has claimed responsibility for several acts of firebombing, vandalism, and arson - targeting crisis pregnancy centers and a Congressional office as of this entry in early July, 2022.
  5. Vladimir Putin - A war crimes criminal who killed tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians in 2014 and 2022.
  6. MLB (Major League Baseball) In 2021 moved its All-Star Game out of Georgia and into Colorado. This, at a huge expense to the predominantly black population (and businesses) in Atlanta. The predominantly white population (and businesses) in Denver eagerly accepted the move and pressured Colorado governor Polis to relax COVID regulations to accommodate the change.
  7. Coke (Coca-Cola) In 2021 started training their employees to, "Be less white."
  8. BLM (Black Lives Matter) Was founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. In a 2015 interview, Cullors was quoated as saying, "We do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers; we are trained Marxists." It was revealed in 2021 Cullors went on a real-estate buying binge where she purchased four high-end homes with a total value of over $3,000,000.00 - some being in wealthy predominately white neighborhoods, apparantly not wanting to be with her own people.
  9. Bruce Springsteen - arrested in November, 2020 in New Jersey's Gateway National Recreation Area for driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, and consuming alcohol in a closed area. In addition to Springsteen endangering others with his drinking, he has a long history of anti-American songs and activism. (While on tour in Europe Springsteen told a foreign crowd he was embarrassed to be an American)
  10. Joe Biden - By the time he became President-elect (he ran for the office three times), he had been in politics for about 47 years, yet accomplished almost nothing other than amassing a fortune for himself and members of his family. Biden represents all that's wrong with American politics - corruption, influence peddling, incompetence, and then finally (at no fault of his own) gaining office while displaying significant signs of dementia. Shame on Americans for voting this buffoon into office.
  11. New York Times - a biased and unfair newspaper. In the 2005 book, Buried by the Times, author Laurel Leff provides a critical account of The New York Times's coverage of Nazi atrocities against Jews that culminated in the Holocaust.
  12. Robert De Niro is an extreme leftist who uses vulgar language to address our president.
  13. Kyle Clark is a leftwing propagandist who was encouraged and supported by Denver's 9 News.
  14. Snopes is a biased and unfair "fact-checking" website.
  15. Anderson Cooper is a leftist propagandist who claims he's a journalist.
  16. Kamala Harris was the "most liberal compared to all senators" in 2019 according to GovTrack, the nonpartisan government transparency watchdog - to the left of even her democratic-socialist colleague, Senator Bernie Sanders. Harris wasn't "pragmatic" either. GovTrack found she "joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats." In short, Kamala Harris is an extreme leftist bent on confiscating guns and wealth from others. [Note: This entry about Harris was made well before she was selected as Biden's running mate, later proving herself to be an extraordinarily incompetent vice president...]
  17. Tay Anderson is far-left Democrat who was elected to Denver's school board in 2019. During his first meetings with the board he refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and in later months was directly involved with the riots in Denver during the summer of 2020. In early 2021, Denver's BLM organization (BLM5280) said that "multiple" alleged victims had approached the organization to report that Anderson sexually assaulted them. On September 17, 2021 the Denver School Board censured him over the allegations but refused to ask for his resignation. Three days later, on September 20, 2021, the Denver Post reported that more than 1,000 Denver students, city-wide, staged a walk-out to call for Tay Anderson’s resignation. The school board nor the Democratic Party refused to take any additional action at that time.
  18. In 1994 OJ Simpson, was arrested and charged with the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman. He was acquitted by a jury after a lengthy and internationally publicized trial. The families of the victims subsequently filed a civil suit against him. A civil court awarded a $33.5 million judgment against him in 1997 for the victims' wrongful deaths.
  19. The ACLU has a long history of working against America and the interests of our people. Examples include their continuous fights to protect illegal aliens and all of their work against tougher criminal laws and the death penalty. It's clear that the ACLU has become a hyper-partisan organization and is no longer the nonpartisan group of politically diverse individuals sharing a commitment to core civil liberties it once was, many years ago...
  20. There's certainly no question that the Nobel Peace Prize is is heavily biased in favor of leftists and Marxists who have contributed little to humanity or our planet. The Nobel Committee's 2009 award to Barack Obama (for simply being elected president) is a typical example.
  21. On July 29, 2020 Tech CEOs from Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google testified before Congress as lawmakers examined the dominance of their online platforms and the antitrust laws that pertain to them. Later that day, I added Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to this page (I had already added Google, years ago. And, although YouTube wasn't in these hearings they're notorious for blocking and removing content they find too conservative...). All of these tech giants are left-leaning, dishonest monopolies that are doing great harm to our country. Apple deserves additional attention since its computers are overpriced and not very compatible with other Unix and Windows boxes in use around the world. Facebook's "fact checkers" are equally obnoxious and Twitter continues blocking and removing any tweets it deams too conservative. All five of these companies have forgotten their roots and have lost their way...
  22. Nancy Pelosi shamed our country by tearing up a copy of the President's State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, February 04, 2020. It was learned, later, that she had planned on and practiced the act to ensure it received wide media coverage.
  23. Adam Schiff was responsible for coercing Democrats into creating false charges of impeachment against President Trump in 2019.
  24. Megan Rapinoe was a foulmouthed, anti-American circus clown who gained a considerable amount of fame in 2019. Unfortunately Megan Rapinoe will never appreciate how much her bad behavior, arogance and lack of gratitude have cost young women.
  25. In July, 2019 California governor Gavin Newsom (former mayor of San Francisco) signed into law government-subsidized health benefits for illegal aliens. The measure will extend coverage to low-income, undocumented adults ages 25 and younger for the state's Medicaid program. Since 2016, California has allowed illegal aliens under 18 to receive taxpayer-backed health care. State officials expected this newest giveaway will cover an additional 90,000 people at an estimated cost to taxpayers, in the first year, to be $100 million.
  26. In March, 2019 "Egg Boy" Will Connolly smashed an egg on the head of an Australian Senator who was exercising his right to free speech. Will Connolly stated, in a WION interview (The World is One News, 3-25-2019) that, "Actually, not many people know this but I actually went in there to listen to him for an hour so he could change my mind, as you know, I'm a very forgiving person. And in my mind I wanted to forgive him. But, um, then he started saying some more things which I'm not going quote, you can watch the live stream if you want to hear that, which empowered me to egg him." Due to Australia's weak nature, the police eventually dropped charges against Egg Boy - they simply cautioned him against such behavior in the future...
  27. During the 116th Congress, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez ("AOC") was co-sponsor of House Resolution 109, the "Green New Deal" - an economic and environmental proposal that nowhere mentioned the single biggest threat to our environment, climate, economy, and wellbeing, overpopulation. Then, in June 2019 she lied to the American people and said that border control officers were forcing illegal aliens to drink from toilets. She never apologized.
  28. Christine Margaret Blasey Ford was a wealthy, highly paid college professor who made sexual assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh in 2018. Problems about her testimony immediately surfaced when Ford first delayed her appearance to the hearings because she said she had a fear of flying - despite the fact that she had an extensive personal history of expensive vacations by air! In a USA Today opinion piece (October 3, 2018), Margot Cleveland wrote, "But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn't remember everything: It is that everything she remembers changes at her convenience. First, Ford's testimony that the assault occurred in the summer of 1982, when just 15, conflicted with both her therapist's notes and the text message Ford sent to the Washington Post. According to reporter Emma Brown, Ford claimed she had been assaulted in the mid-1980s; and the therapist's notes stated Ford had been the victim of an attempted rape in her late teens. But by that time, Kavanaugh was attending Yale, so Ford's recasting of the attack to the summer of 1982 is suspect." Others in media noted that Ford's story about the number of other people present were inconsistent and that she was never able to provide information as to the location of the incident. Doesn't everybody, including wealthy college professors, have an obligation to substantiate their accusations, even if the complaint is over 30 years old?
  29. Antifa is a loose affiliation of leftist activists who are violently opposed to free speech, liberty, and freedom in general. In 2018 and 2019 many Antifa activists physically assaulted and injured citizens who were exercising their right to free speech.
  30. In late 2018 it was revealed that Google would not compete for a major Pentagon contract (moving Defense Department data onto a private cloud system) because it might violate their "AI Principles." Yet the tech giant (basically a monopoly) couldn't help entertaining the authoritarian demands of the Chinese Communist Party that year. Add to it, too, Google's insistance on inserting its political bias into searches and you end up with a very large company that can't be trusted.
  31. On November 7, 2018 the propagandist Abilio James "Jim" Acosta was extremely disrespectful and disruptive during a White House press conference - not only rude to the President of the United States but depriving other journalists an opportunity to participate.
  32. In September, 2018 Nike continued using foreign sweatshops (paying most of its workers well under a dollar per hour) while giving millions of dollars to anti-Americans like Colin Kaepernick.
  33. Colorado Civil Rights Commision: In 2018 continued harrassing Masterpiece Cake Baker Jack Phillips despite his earlier win in the United States Supreme Court
  34. John O. Brennan, Appointed CIA Director (2013 to 2017) by Barack Obama. Brennan, in a polygraph examination, admitted to voting for a communist presidential candidate in 1976. How could a communist sympathizer end up as Director of the CIA?
  35. NFL - The National Football League remains anti-American despite the billions of dollars taxpayers have given them to build stadiums. Throughout 2020 the league encouraged its players to show disrespect to America, our flag, and the American people.
  36. Congresswoman Maxine Waters - a Democrat from California, in June, 2018, encouraged her supporters to harass President Trump's staff in public saying, "They're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store," Waters said. "The people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them." On April 17, 2021 Waters, , called for protesters to "stay on the street" and "get more confrontational" if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd. Despite inciting violence no action was taken to control Waters with Big Tech still allowing her to post on social media.
  37. The United States Secret Service was alerted, on June 20, 2018, to a tweet by actor Peter Fonda that was directed against the President of the United States. Peter Fonda said, "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will will stand up against the giant a--hole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. F---,"
  38. Disgraced (and fired!) FBI Director James Comey - for political bias during the 2016 election cycle.
  39. President Donald Trump - In December, 2017 recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital (despite Israel's continued theft of Arab Palestinian land and resources)
  40. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - In late 2017, in a show of disrespect, the Guggenheim Museum offered the White House its golden toilet display when the request was to borrow a Vincent Van Gogh painting.
  41. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson - in October, 2017, she violated a sacred trust when she revealed (and criticized) the private communications between President Trump and the wife of a fallen soldier when the president was expressing his condolences.
  42. Kathy Griffin - In May, 2017 was in a video that depicted her holding a likeness of President Trump's severed, bloody head.
  43. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) - Used membership dues to support Obamacare.
  44. People For the American Way - An anit-American, open borders front group.

  45. Right Wing Watch (a project of the People For the American Way) - against the 2nd Amendment and the right of the people to own guns.

  46. Southern Poverty Law Center - Brietbart and others have described SPL as being in the business of "Manufacturing Hate for Fun and Profit."

  47. Roman Polanski - Pedophile.

  48. Michael Jackson - Pedophile.

  49. Ariana Grande - In July, 2015, while licking and spitting on donuts in a Riverside County, California shop Ariana was quoted as saying, "What the f**k is that? I hate Americans. I hate America."
  50. George Stephanopoulos - Political hack posing as a journalist
  51. Loretta Lynch - open borders advocate.

  52. Charlie Hill - Fugitive hijacker and murderer who hid in Cuba for many decades.

  53. Bradley "Chelsea" Manning - Traitor.

  54. Angela Davis - Terrorist and racist who twice ran for Vice President on the Communist Party USA. Also jailed, from 1970 to 1972, for providing the shotgun used to kill Superior Court Judge Harold Haley.

  55. Frank Marshall Davis - anti-American sexual deviant who was a card carrying (# 47544) pro-Soviet, pro-Red China communist.

  56. Roy Romer - Colorado's ineffectual governor who spent most of his energies on an illicit affair with BJ Thornberry rather than running the state.

  57. Che Guevera (Ernesto Lynch) - Psychotic, communist murderer responsible for hundreds of killings. Here's one of his most famous quotes; "We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation; it has the obligation to triumph." (In a May 18, 1962 speech)
  58. Fidel Castro - Communist murderer and baffoon
  59. Steve Jobs - Childish, selfish, dishonest, mean-spirited, cruel car salesman who posed as a technologist
  60. Bill Cosby - Philanderer and alleged rapist who posed as an entertainer
  61. Bill Clinton - Philanderer and alleged rapist who posed as a president
  62. Hillary Clinton - Dishonest and incompetent
  63. Bill Maher - Foul-mouthed, Anti-American (and anti-American military) socialist (also used the "N" word, in public, on 06-02-2017)
  64. Liam Neeson - Made tens of millions of dollars making gun violence movies but criticized Americans, in 2015, for gun ownership
  65. Michael Moore - Multi-millionaire, Anti-American (and anti-American military) propagandist
  66. Elizabeth Warren - faked Native American heritage for personal gain
  67. Lois, Lerner - An IRS Director of Exempt Organizations, admitted in 2013 that her staff had been targeting conservative groups for audits. She later admitted that singling out certain groups was "...absolutely inappropriate and not the way we should do things."
  68. Alinsky, Saul - Political shakedown artist who posed as a Democratic Socialist
  69. USCOC (United States Chamber of Commerce) - A June 6, 2014 report from Community Digital News stated, "The Chamber unashamedly advocates open borders." [As Hugh Hewitt advised listeners on his national radio program, on 02/08/2021, "It's no longer your Chamber of Commerce." He was referring to how far to the left the COC has drifted...]
  70. Assata Olugbala Shakur (JoAnne Deborah Byron) - In May 1973, Accused of killing New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster and grievously assaulting Trooper James Harper in a May, 1973 shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike. Byron was a member of the Black Liberation Army who later fled to Cuba.
  71. Jorge Ramos Ávalos - Anti-American political hack posing as a journalist for Univison - also fought for open borders.
  72. Michael B. Hancock - Denver's incompetent, corrupt Mayor at the time of this nomination in 2014. [In 2020 Hancock flew to Houston for Thanksgiving after telling people to avoid travel in order to slow the spread of COVID - which is at record levels in the city.]
  73. J. Edgar Hoover - mean spirited, cross-dressing mafia tool who abused his authority as the first director of the FBI.
  74. John F. Kennedy - womanizer and drug abuser who posed as a president.
  75. MLS - the NAR (National Association of Realtors) created the Multiple Listing Service as a monopoly for the listing or real estate. Like other monopolies, the MLS should have been broken up decades ago yet mysteriously remains intact with very high pricing at the expense of the public.
  76. Ted Kennedy - Drunk, on July 18, 1969, in plunged Oldsmobile he was driving off the Dike Bridge on the island of Chappaquiddick, off Martha's Vineyard. The car landed upside down in the tidal Poucha Pond with 37-year-old Kennedy surviving the crash, but the young woman riding with him in the car didn't. The young woman was 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne - rather than report the accident to the police at that time, Kennedy returned to his hotel in Edgartown. As a result, Mary Jo Kopechne remained underwater for some nine hours until her body was recovered the next morning.
  77. Wow, didn't President Obama turn out to be a huge disappointment! Although he was incompetent he was somehow able to emasculate and divide our country. Combine that with his racism, Obama is now considered one of the worst presidents in our country's history. Shame on him!
  78. Nevada welfare rancher Cliven Bundy (and all of the other ranchers stealing from the American public) gets a place on my list because of the damage cattle have done to our public lands (in most cases almost completely denuding the landscape and negatively altering it for generations to come...). Bundy's case has been especially egregious because the below-market grazing fees were still too much for him - federal agents tried to impound Bundy's cattle because he had been illegally grazing on public land for more than 20 years.
  79. Over the years I've occasionally listened to Dennis Prager but usually left his broadcasts feeling that I had listened to a high school teenager trying to convince me that his philosophy, religion, and ideas were vastly superior to my own or anyone else's. Well, I don't add people to my "bad guys" page simply because their views are different than mine or, as in Prager's case, their arguments are intellectually weak and lacking. No, Prager wins a spot in the queue like all the others on this page have because he's done a lot of harm and damage to others or our society. In Prager's case it's the constant attacks on the Palestinian people that are unfair, unsupported, and inappropriate. It kind of came to a head on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 when Prager went on to remind us how important it is for Israel to erect walls, and take other measures, to keep the Palestinians from attacking - never mind that the settlements, land and resource theft committed by Israel are illegal under international law...). Then, just a few minutes later, he again had to remind listeners that his way of thinking about God, Religion (and everything else) is due to his, quote "Hyper-Rationality," unquote. So, this egotistical buffoon continues to remind the rest of us that it's "his way, or the highway" - never mind the damage he's done to the Palestinians, Cosmology, Evolution, or all the other subject matter that he's argued against despite having little more knowledge or insight than a high school teenager - Prager is right and the rest of us are wrong. HOWEVER, like most people Prager has some good qualities! Things like advocating for enduring marriages, strong families, and fighting leftist-extremism are qualities he can be praised for!
  80. On May 22, 2013 Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper granted a reprieve to mass-murderer Nathan Dunlap. Dunlap was convicted of murdering four people at a children's pizza restaurant in 1993 in Aurora, Colorado. Dunlap was scheduled to be executed during the summer of 2013. At the time of the governor's reprieve, Attorney Phil Cherney stated that his client, Nathan Dunlap, was grateful for the governor's decision. Cherney stated that the he felt the decision to spare Dunlap's life was "...powerfully good for him." At the time of the mass murder, a fifth victim survived the attack and was able to testify against Dunlap, stating that one victim was down on her knees and begging for her life when Dunlap shot her. Many in Colorado believe Hickenlooper's decision to be a cowardly political move. Nevertheless, seven years later this intellectual lightweight was elected to the U.S. Senate [despite stating, before he decided to run, "I'm not cut out to be a senator" "Senators don't build teams. Senators sit and debate in small groups..."]. Shame on Hickenlooper!
  81. Diana DeGette is the U.S. Representative for Colorado's 1st congressional district and the sponsor of various gun control legislation on Capitol Hill. In early 2013, in response to a public question about how a high capacity magazine ban that she was sponsoring would be effective if implemented, DeGette stated, "These are ammunition. They are bullets. So the people who have those now, they're going to shoot them. So, if you ban them in the future, the number of the high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available." Clearly, DeGette hasn't a clue what's she talking about or legislating. [During the 2020 riots I wrote DeGette's office inviting her to appear on my radio show to talk about what she was doing to protect her district from all the violence. Not only did she not repspond but she never spoke out, in any forum, against the leftists destroying Denver.]
  82. MSNBC broadcaster Rachel Maddow made this reckless statement during her October 19, 2010 show: "Yes, this has happened to a smaller degree before. In 1994, in the first mid-term election after the last Democratic president was elected, we got a slate of candidates that included Helen Chenoweth of Idaho and Steve Stockman of Texas. These two were so close to the militia movement in this country that Mr. Stockman actually received advance notice that the Oklahoma City bombing was going to happen." Maddow continued slanting the news on all kinds of topics throughout her "journalism" career - clearly a leftist propagandist with little interest in presenting balanced, fair stories.
  83. Sean Hannity - On February 9th, 2007 I was in Hawai'i and stumbled upon his radio broadcast. Although I couldn't write down or record what he was saying, on KHVH News Radio 830 AM (the time was 12:47 pm on O'ahu), it was clear that he was advising the audience that human-caused climate change was a lie that was being perpetuated by the "left." Although this tired, conservative "science" opinion was nothing new to the world I was surprised to hear Hannity perpetuate it just a week after the World's science community announced that global warming was an established fact and that it was, indeed, being caused by humans. Because I made this entry just a week after Hannity's announcement it's still not clear what his motives are - it'll be interesting to see what drives Hannity and his ilk to have so little regard for our planet and quality of life. [That being said, Hannity does have some admirable qualities that should not go unmentioned. First and foremost he's definately against Marxism and all the riots, looting, and killings that took place around the country in 2020. Hannity is also an advocate for stable families, gun rights, and a strong military]
  84. Oliver North - Tried in 1988 in relation to his activities while at the National Security Council under President Reagan. He was indicted on sixteen felony counts and was convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and destruction of documents (by his secretary, Fawn Hall, on his instructions). Unfortunately his convictions were later overturned by a three-judge appeals panel based on limited immunity he had been granted for his Congressional testimony in the Iran-Contra affair. And, like I mention near this page's masthead, North (and many criminals like him) ended up with his own broadcast show and a huge following of devoted fans hanging on his every word...
  85. Dan Caplis - Is a Denver area talkshow host who was, as of my early 2014 listening (when he returned to the airwaves on KNUS), opposed to the idea of human caused climate change and anything related to saving biodiversity and the natural world. Also completely against any relief or protections for the Palestinian people.
  86. Glenn Beck - Because of my jobs and travel I haven't been able to listen to him much but the few times I have he's made wild accusations about elected officials, scientists who are concerned about global warming, and economistsn. He also seems to have a host of personal and relationship problems - not that I'd hold that against him but he doesn't hesitate to criticize others. I'll try to listen to him a bit more, as time permits, but suspect his anti-science/logic will continue to influence millions of listeners in our country each day. [Like most of us, Beck does have some admirable qualities that should not go unmentioned. First and foremost he's definately against Marxism and all the riots, looting, and killings that took place around the country in 2020. Beck is also an advocate for stable families, gun rights, and a strong military]
  87. Bowie Bergdahl - Army deserter
  88. Bob Bergdahl - Provided encouragement to our enemies during wartime
  89. Vladimir Putin - War Criminal - In addition to invading Urkaine, stole billions of rubles from the Russian people - making him one of the wealthiest person in Russia for decades...
  90. Benjamin Netanyahu - Blocked U.N. investigations into Israeli war crimes
  91. Jane Fonda - Traitor
  92. Edward Snowden - Traitor
  93. Eric Holder - Racist Attorney General stating, in 2009, "...in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards”
  94. Hilltop Youth - Vandals and street thugs
  95. Lance Armstrong - Liar and a cycling cheat
  96. Al Sharpton - Race pimp and drug dealer





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  3. Colorado
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  6. Electoral Vote Predictor
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